Application of differential equations in solving a model of environmental phenomena
Subject Areas : Environmental Sciences
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Keywords: environmental science, mathematical modeling, differential equation, ,
Abstract :
Differential equations play a key role in the environmental sciences and provide mathematical tools for understanding environmental processes and predicting changes. The purpose of the research is to provide mathematical modeling methods to solve environmental problems and to use standard mathematical techniques and methods to solve the model by obtaining the desired results, and the analysis is done based on mathematical laws and ecological system. In this research, the application of differential equations for environmental modeling, especially in pollutant dispersion, ecosystem dynamics, and climate change prediction, is discussed. In this research, mathematical foundations, modeling method through differential equation is examined and its role in explaining the complexity of the environmental system is revealed. This paper also points to the potential for future development of differential equations in interdisciplinary topics and more advanced computing, which provides a research context and improvement path for the field of environmental sciences.
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