A comprehensive review of optical biosensors
Subject Areas : Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of all specializations
Noushin Dadashzadeh
Nasser Moslehi Milani
1 - Department of physics, Faculty of physics,Hadishahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hadishahr, Iran.
2 - Department of Electrical Engineering Ahar Branch, Islamic Azad University, ahar, Iran
Keywords: Types of optical biosensors, Application of optical biosensors, Surface plasmon resonance,
Abstract :
Sensors have shown valuable performance in environmental studies, agriculture, inspection and food safety, quick and cost-effective response in biotechnology, disease diagnosis and medical services, etc. Among the many categories of sensors, optical biosensors have additional advantages such as robustness, reliability, and the potential for on-chip integration due to their selective, rapid, and highly sensitive measurements. Biosensors are analytical tools used for the detection of specific analytes such as cholesterol, urea, etc. that have biomolecules such as nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates as key elements for the detection of these analytes along with transducers and data analysis and visualization tools. In the case of optical biosensors, the analyte is detected using light with either label-based or label-free techniques. In this paper, some of the significant advances in the field of optical biosensors in the past decade are reviewed, with an emphasis on their fabrication approaches and growing application areas. Along with some carefully selected articles on new developments in optical biosensors in the past decade, a brief overview of optical biosensors since their development is also provided. Another focus of the current review is the classification of biosensors, typical structures along with emerging advances in optical biosensing that are likely to dominate the current decade. Also, the challenges and future of emerging optical biosensor technologies in the current decade are presented.
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