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    1.     Biannual epistemological researches journal has been published by philosophy and theology department of literature and humanities faculty, central Tehran branch, Islamic Azad university.

    2.     This journal was published entitled: Afaghe Hekmat since 2012 to 2013, and the journal name has been changed into epistemological researches since 2014.

    3.     Journal Concessionaire is central Tehran branch, Islamic Azad university.

    4.     Director in charge is associate professor Mohammad Akvan, editor in chief is professor Mehdi Najafiafra, internal manager is associate professor Azizollah Afshar Kermani

    5.        The biannual scientific- researching epistemological researches in accordance with the license number 159040/18/3 on October 2015 of the Commission to review the scientific publications of the ministry of sciences, researches and technology, has received the scientific- researching grade since spring-summer 2014.

    6.     This biannual journal has been accepted by Ministry of culture and Islamic guidance commission in 84th session on 15 April 2013, and it has been published on 21 November 2011

    7.     The epistemological researches have dealt with several epistemological issues such as: whatness of episteme, its scop, references and circumstances, skepticism, relativism and certainty in Islamic and western philosophies, we welcome warmly the papers which have the mentioned approaches.