An Approach to Mentality in Fakhr Razi's Psychology
Subject Areas : Epistemological researches
fatemeh malbubi
einollah khademi
abdollah salavati
Reza Dargahifar
1 - Ph. D. Candidate of Philosophy, Shahid Rajaee University, Tehran, Iran,
2 - Professor of Philosophy, Shahid Rajaee University,
3 - Associate Professor of Philosophy, Shahid Rajaee University
4 - Researcher in Institute of Iranian Philosophy
Keywords: soul, Fakhr Razi, mind, mentality, Mental State,
Abstract :
In the contemporary era, thinkers abandoned the issue of the mind in a way that gives rise to the idea that it is essence or material, and addressed the issue of what are mental states, what are their characteristics? On the other hand, Islamic thinkers has always been concerned to the human soul. Fakhr Razi, a famous Muslim theologian, has significant opinions in the discussion of philosophical psychology. He considers the soul to be different from the body, and he has studied a number of soul states and some of their characteristics. The current research deals with the question: what is the relationship between the states and qualities of the soul from Fakhr Razi's point of view and mentality in the contemporary philosophy of mind? In this search, some similarities between Fakhr Razi's opinions and contemporary mentality will be clarified; Emotional states such as pain and pleasure, and perceptual states from the point of view of Fakhr have certain characteristics such as the phenomenality and direct experience of these states for the soul. He has criticized Ibn Sina for not paying attention to these states in the definition of pleasure and pain. He also paid attention to science, which is one of the cognitive states, and it seems that by proposing the addition theory, he intended the consciousness for soul.
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