The relationship between love and intuitive knowledge in Plotinus’s philosophy
Subject Areas : Epistemological researches
narges Jahed khanshir
Mehdi Najafiafra
jamshid jalali sheyjani
1 - department of religion and mysticism, humanities faculty, Yadegar Imam khomeini branch Islamic Azad university
2 - philosophy and religion department, Islamic Azad university, central Tehran branch
3 - Comparative Religions and Mysticism
Keywords: love, Epistemology, Plotinus, intuitive knowledge,
Abstract :
Love is one of the most important method by which the truth specifically the transcendent affairs will be known. It has been taken into consideration by Plato and Plotinus. It has a vital position in Plotinus’s cosmology, anthropology and epistemology. Accordingly, love linked the oneness as an unknowable thing to human beings as a wise and lover existent. The main issue at this research is to explain this relationship epistemologically. As a result it must be mentioned that the love in epistemological approach because of immediate facing with the truth is the one of the most important way to unify with the oneness and lead human beings to attempt to achieve oneness and unify with it. Love is intuitive path which is emphasized by mystics and most of philosophers particularly phenomenologists who insist on facing the truth without presupposition and precondition. This research by analytical and descriptive method wants to show the importance of love and intuition in Plotinus’s thought by focusing on its important role in the epistemology.
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