Deconstruction and Hermeneutic; The challenge of "understanding" and "other" with A glance at the dialogue between Derrida and Gadamer in Paris(1981)
Subject Areas : Epistemological researchesmohammadreza khanzad 1 * , mohammad shokry 2
1 - islamic azad university tehran shomal branch
2 - Islamic Azad university . Tehran shomal Branch
Keywords: Deconstruction, understanding, Play, other, keywords: Hermeneutic,
Abstract :
abstract Undubtly, One of the most influential movements in the world today is hermeneutics. This approach has been changed from the beginning to the present, due to the advent of various thinkers. Gadamer is the most intelligent and most radical advocate of a bunch of heroines, from which it is referred to as philosophical the other side, derrida Represents a stream of metaphysics challenging the western presence of the metaphysics, which does not trust the hermeneutics and the centrality of the understanding it derives from. This article will take a brief look at the history of hermeneutics, while examining the paradigms of thought of the two thinkers in question, focusing on the famous Gadamer and Derrida debate at the Goethe-Institut de Paris, using descriptive-analytic methods and using library and Internet resources, challenge The most important lies in the debate. The main question of the paper is as follows: The Challenge between "Understanding" and "Other" How is this debate analyzed? Such readings can serve as methodological guides to other epistemic areas in order to develop unconventional reading approaches.
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