Estimating the relative share of students' satisfaction with good governance in physical education and sports departments of Islamic Azad Universities in Isfahan province
Subject Areas : Sociological studies of sports
davood nasr esfahani
mohsen Shariati Kamalabadi
1 - Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Isfahan Branch,Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Ira
2 - Faculty of Islamic Governance with Economic Approach, Isfahan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: Good Governance, Students’ Satisfaction, physical education departments. Azad University, Isfahan Province,
Abstract :
Objective: The purpose of this study was to estimate the relative share of students' satisfaction with good governance in physical education and sports departments of Isfahan Islamic Azad Universities Methodology: This was a descriptive-correlational and applied research that was conducted as a survey. The statistical population of the research was made up of students referring to physical education and sports departments of Isfahan Islamic Azad Universities in the first 9 months of 2023. Due to the fact that the exact number of references was not available, the sample size was estimated using a statistical formula and the number of 437 people was obtained. The measurement tool was the standard good governance questionnaires of Yarahmadi and Almasi Fard (2017) and Mahmoudi's satisfaction (2015), whose validity and reliability were tested for this research (Cronbach's alpha coefficient was equal to 0.89 and 0.84, respectively. achieved). In order to analyze the data, SPSS version 23 software was used and the results were obtained using statistical tests such as Pearson's correlation and multiple linear regression. Results: The research findings showed that there is a correlation between good governance and student satisfaction (P=0.01). Also, based on the results of the multiple linear regression test, good governance factors were a good predictor of the level of student satisfaction. Conclusion: Therefore, it is suggested to managers and officials of sports departments in Islamic Azad Universities of Isfahan province to improve their satisfaction regarding the services provided by these departments while improving the level of health and vitality among students by applying and paying attention to the components of good governance.
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