List of Articles Saeed Mirzanejhad Article 1 - Investigation of plasma-activated water effects on preservation and physicochemical properties of Petroselinum crispum and Lepidium sativum 10.57647/J.JTAP.2023.1702.19 Meysam Nikpour Farshad Sohbatzadeh Ehsan Nazifi Saeed Mirzanejhad Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics , Issue 1 , Year , Spring 2023 Article 2 - Characterization of argon/air atmospheric pressure capacitively coupled radio frequency dielectric barrier discharge regarding parasitic capacitor at 13.56 MHz 10.1186/2251-7235-6-32 Farshad Sohbatzadeh Saeed Mirzanejhad Hoda Mahdavi Zahra Omidi Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2013