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  • Pradyumn Kumar Sahoo

    List of Articles Pradyumn Kumar Sahoo

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    1 - String cloud and domain walls with quark matter in kink cosmological model
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2014
    AbstractWe have studied quark matter coupled with string cloud and domain walls in the context of general relativity. For this purpose, we solved Einstein’s field equations for quark matter coupled to the string cloud and domain walls in spherical symmetric kink space-t More
    AbstractWe have studied quark matter coupled with string cloud and domain walls in the context of general relativity. For this purpose, we solved Einstein’s field equations for quark matter coupled to the string cloud and domain walls in spherical symmetric kink space-time. It is found that cosmic strings and domain walls do not survive in this space-time. Hence, the space-time in both the cases reduces to Minkowskian and the space-time is flat. Manuscript profile

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    2 - String cloud and domain walls with quark matter for plane symmetric cosmologicalmodel in bimetric theory
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2014
    AbstractWe have studied the plane symmetric cosmological solutions for quark mattercoupled with the string cloud and domain walls in the context ofRosen’s (General Relativity and Gravitation 4:435, 1973) bimetrictheory. It is observed that, in this theory, string cloud More
    AbstractWe have studied the plane symmetric cosmological solutions for quark mattercoupled with the string cloud and domain walls in the context ofRosen’s (General Relativity and Gravitation 4:435, 1973) bimetrictheory. It is observed that, in this theory, string cloud and domain wallsdo not exist. As we know that, at the early stage of evolution of theuniverse, domain walls as well as cosmic strings do appear which lead to theformation of galaxies. Thus, it may be said that the bimetric relativitydoes not help to describe the early era of the universe.Pacs04.50+h Manuscript profile

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    3 - Study on kink space-time in scale invariant theory with wet dark fluid
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2014
    AbstractIn this paper, the kink space-time with wet dark fluid in scale invariant theory of gravitation is investigated. The gauge function β is considered as β = β(r) and β = β(t). The matter field is assumed to be perfect fluid. It has been found that perfect fluid do More
    AbstractIn this paper, the kink space-time with wet dark fluid in scale invariant theory of gravitation is investigated. The gauge function β is considered as β = β(r) and β = β(t). The matter field is assumed to be perfect fluid. It has been found that perfect fluid does not survive in this theory in both the cases. Hence, the space-time in both the cases reduces to Minkowskian geometry and the space-time is flat.AMS83F05 Manuscript profile