List of Articles Rahul Ghosh

  • Article

    1 - Behavior of interacting Ricci dark energy in logarithmic f(T) gravity
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2014
    AbstractIn the present work, we have considered a modified gravity model dubbed as ‘logarithmic f(T) gravity’ as reported by Bamba et al. (J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys 1101:21, 2011) and investigated the behavior of Ricci dark energy interacting with pressureless Dark Mat More
    AbstractIn the present work, we have considered a modified gravity model dubbed as ‘logarithmic f(T) gravity’ as reported by Bamba et al. (J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys 1101:21, 2011) and investigated the behavior of Ricci dark energy interacting with pressureless Dark Matter. We have chosen the interaction term in the form Q=3Hδρm and investigated the behavior of the Hubble parameter H as a function of the redshift z. For this reconstructed H, we have investigated the behavior of the fractional density contribution due to the Ricci dark energy and torsion. Subsequently, we investigated the equation of state parameter wRDE which is found to have a phantom-like behavior for all choices of c2 in the Ricci dark energy density.PACS98.80.-k;95.36.+x;04.50.Kd Manuscript profile