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    1 - Investigating the Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers’ Self-Concept, Personality Traits and Teaching Styles
    Journal of Teaching English Language Studies (JTELS) , Issue 5 , Year , Spring 2018
    The quality of teachers has influence on the quality of educational services. Nurturing theteachers is actually a preoccupation for the educational organizations. The aim of our educationsystem is to produce successful, well-prepared citizens; therefore, careful examina More
    The quality of teachers has influence on the quality of educational services. Nurturing theteachers is actually a preoccupation for the educational organizations. The aim of our educationsystem is to produce successful, well-prepared citizens; therefore, careful examination ofindividuals who teach at all levels is a critical step in meeting that goal. The current studyinvestigated the relationship among Iranian EFL teachers’ personality traits, teaching styles andself-concept. The population of the study consisted of 100 male and female teachers who teach inlanguage institutes of Mashhad, Iran. They were included 60 females and 40 males. In order tocollect data for the purpose of the current study, three questionnaires were utilized which pertainto the three variables of the study, namely, Teaching Style Inventory, Revised NEO PersonalityInventory (NEO PI-R), and Teacher Self-Concept Evaluation Scale (TSCES). To answer allresearch questions Pearson correlation was conducted. Results for the first major researchquestion indicated that there are significant relationships between all sub-scales of personalityand Teaching Style. Besides, the results of second major research question demonstratesignificant relationships between all sub-scales of personality and Teacher Self-Concept. Finally,the results of the last major research question showed significant relationships between TeachingStyle and Teacher Self-Concept. Findings associated with this study could significantly benefitteachers. The teachers may discover themselves as well as how to combine their personalitycapability to create their teaching techniques become useful which is required in achieving theeducation progress blueprint and achieving the National Mission. Manuscript profile