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  • Mohammad Reza Noura

    List of Articles Mohammad Reza Noura

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    1 - Identification of sand dune sources in the east Sistan, Iran by using mineralogical and morphoscopic characterization of sediments
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , Issue 4 , Year , Summer 2019
    Sedimentation in the dune fields of the Sistan Plain of Iran is the result of deposition of fine-grained sediment downstream of the Helmand River. Due to poor adhesion and low moisture content of soil particles, and the strong renowned Levar wind, dune fields mostly of More
    Sedimentation in the dune fields of the Sistan Plain of Iran is the result of deposition of fine-grained sediment downstream of the Helmand River. Due to poor adhesion and low moisture content of soil particles, and the strong renowned Levar wind, dune fields mostly of Barchan and Nebkha types are created. This study aims to assess the physical, morphological and mineralogical characteristics of surface (S) and sub-surface (S-S) sediments and their genetic relationships with the aeolian sand surface. For this purpose, 48 S and S-S sand samples were prepared from Niatak Corridor (NC) east of Sistan and were analyzed to determine their physical and mineralogical properties by dry sieving, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical microscopy methods. Results show that the physical characteristics of S and S-S sand particles, such as sorting, roundness, minimum elongation projection, Riley sphericity, morphoscopic and mineralogical characteristics, have no significant difference. The study of thin sections showed that all samples generally contain quartz, feldspar, calcite, gypsum and lithic components. This confirms that the source of S sand dunes is local and consists of the buried layers of sands in the close vicinity. Therefore, the Hamoun Lake are most likely not a source of regional sands. The local existence of Yardang also supports the conclusion of this research. Manuscript profile

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    2 - Evaluation of groundwater suitability for the domestic and irrigation purposes in Konaro Ophiolitic Area, Iranshahr, SE Iran
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , Issue 4 , Year , Summer 2021
    Hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater and its suitability for domestic and irrigation, purposes were evaluated in Konaro ophiolitic area. Heavy metals pollution is accounted for a major pollution in the natural environment are that can pose a serious threat to More
    Hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater and its suitability for domestic and irrigation, purposes were evaluated in Konaro ophiolitic area. Heavy metals pollution is accounted for a major pollution in the natural environment are that can pose a serious threat to ecosystems because of their biodegradation potential, toxicity and sustainability (Moslempour and Shahdadi 2013) 8 representative groundwater samples were collected from wells and qanat and analyzed for major cations and anions. The order of dominance of cation and anions were Na> HCO3> SO4 > Mg> Cl> Ca> K, respectively. The rock weathering and dissolution of minerals processes, especially ophiolitic rocks minerals are dominant in controlling the groundwater quality in the study area. Electrical conductivity (EC) and total dissolved solid (TDS) show high positive correlation with total Hardness (TH), K, Na, and SO4-. As per the WHO standards for domestic water purposes, majority of samples show that the groundwater is suitable for drinking. The spatial distribution maps of physicochemical parameters were prepared in ArcGIS. The suitability of groundwater for agriculture purpose was evaluated from EC, TDS, sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and Na% which ranges from excellent to not suitable, so majority of the groundwater samples are suitable for irrigation. The results revealed that the GQI quality index varied between 89% and 91% in the Konaro area, which in terms of quality rating, the water samples from these resources laid in appropriate to acceptable range. Moreover, based on examining the zoning map, the GQI quality index accounted for the lowest value in the east direction of the study area. Thus, most of the groundwater samples from this study (sample W2) confirm the beneficial use of aquifers in the area for domestic, agricultural, and irrigation purposes. Manuscript profile

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    3 - Erosion and Sedimentation Area of the Ladiz Drainage Basin
    Geotechnical Geology , Issue 1 , Year , Spring 2009
    In order to analyze the erosion and sedimentation areas of the Ladiz drainage basin, factors such as level, shape, slope, drainage network and constructed hypsometric and undimensional hypsometric curves have been taken into account. Physiographical properties of subord More
    In order to analyze the erosion and sedimentation areas of the Ladiz drainage basin, factors such as level, shape, slope, drainage network and constructed hypsometric and undimensional hypsometric curves have been taken into account. Physiographical properties of subordinate drainage basins obtained from Geographical Information System (GIS) indicate that the extent of mountains and plains of the Saadabad drainage basin are in equilibrium. The Mianrud and Siahjangal subordinate drainage basins are in an elevated youth stage, therefore highly exposed to erosion. Comparison of the extent, shape, slope and hypsometric curves of subordinate drainage basins indicate a greater extent and more severe erosion of the Mianrud area than of others. Manuscript profile