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    List of Articles Mahdi Shaaban

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    1 - Comparisons of Seed Yield, Its Components, Phenologic and Morphologic Traits of Iranian Barley Cultivars under Lorestan Weather Condition
    Journal of Crop Nutrition Science , Issue 5 , Year , Autumn 2018
    BACKGROUND: Barley is one of the main important crops in the world, mainly used for animal feed and malt. OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted to evaluate the comparisons of seed yield and its components, phenological and physiological traits of different barley cultiva More
    BACKGROUND: Barley is one of the main important crops in the world, mainly used for animal feed and malt. OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted to evaluate the comparisons of seed yield and its components, phenological and physiological traits of different barley cultivars under Lorestan environmental condition. METHODS: Current research was carried out according Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications in Lorestan environmental condition, Iran during 2017-2018. Treatment included eight barley cultivars (EDCI-7, Nimruz, Armaghan, Jolge, Bahman, Waxima, Vilma, Nosrat and Goharan). RESULT: According results of analysis of variance the effect of cultivar treatment on day to tillering, day to stem elongation, day to flowering, day to physiological maturity, day to harvesting, plant height, spike length, awn length, number of tiller per plant, number of plant per m2, number of spike per plant, number of spike per m2, number of awn per spike, number of seed per spike, 1000 seed weight, seed yield, biological yield and harvest index was significant. The mean comparison result revealed that highest phenological periods were related to Bahman cultivar (223 and 250 days to physiological maturity and harvesting respectively). Also the higher yield components were related to Armaghan and Bahman cultivars. Maximum seed yield and biological yield was recorded for Armaghan cultivar (3660 kg.ha-1 seed yield) and Bahman cultivar (11741 kg.ha-1 biological yield). But the minimum amount of seed yield and biological yield were recorded in Goharan and EDCI-7 cultivars. CONCLUSION: Finally based on result of current research between all studied barley cultivars, the Armaghan had the highest seed yield and can proposed to producers for cultivation in Lorestan environmental condition. Manuscript profile

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    2 - Assessment Production of Natural Reactive Oxygen Species Affected on Dormancy Alleviation, Germination and Antioxidant System in Sunflower Seeds
    Journal of Crop Nutrition Science , Issue 4 , Year , Summer 2018
    BACKGROUND: The active oxygen species, despite the damaging effects they have useful roles in the body are living things. OBJECTIVES: This research was done to determine whether Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) could mediate Cyanide and Methylviologen signal in seed dorman More
    BACKGROUND: The active oxygen species, despite the damaging effects they have useful roles in the body are living things. OBJECTIVES: This research was done to determine whether Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) could mediate Cyanide and Methylviologen signal in seed dormancy alleviation and sunflower seed germination, more widely, to assess their putative role in the control of seed germination and antioxidant system. METHODS: The experiment was laid out in completely randomized design with four replications. The treatment consisted non-dormant seed, dormant seeds, dormant seeds treated with Methylviologen (producing reactive oxygen species) and dormant seeds treated with hydrogen Cyanide (gas producing reactive oxygen species). For germination test 25 seed take in 9cm petridishes on filter paper. For biochemical assay seeds were imbibed for 24h and therefore Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), Malondialdehyde (MDA) and four antioxidant enzymes such as Catalase (CAT), Proxidase (POX), Ascorbat proxidase (APX) and Superoxide dismutase (SOD) ware measured. RESULT: Maximum seed germination was recorded at non-dormant seeds and minimum of it was measured at dormant seeds. Lowest H2O2 and MDA production and lowest APX activity was recorded at dormant seeds. However, highest three detoxified enzymes activities such as CAT, POX and SOD was founded at dormant seeds. This enzyme activity was coinciding with lowest ROS production such as H2O2 and MDA production. ROS production as resources such as Cyanide and Methylviologen play a key role in the control of sunflower dormancy alleviation and seed germination. CONCLUSION: Main reason for seeds dormancy alleviation is production of ROS is acceptable level so germination of dormant seeds which was treated with Methylviologen and Cyanide was more than dormant control seeds and was similar to non-dormant seeds. Manuscript profile