List of Articles Suhas Vyas

  • Article

    1 - Effect of Salinity on Seed Germination of Four Different Groundnut Genotype
    Journal of Nuts , Issue 5 , Year , Autumn 2023
    Salinity is a significant ecological stressor that reduces agricultural productivity and sustainability in arid and semiarid regions by impacting germination rates, delaying the start of germination, and ultimately delaying seedling establishment. Globally, salt has a n More
    Salinity is a significant ecological stressor that reduces agricultural productivity and sustainability in arid and semiarid regions by impacting germination rates, delaying the start of germination, and ultimately delaying seedling establishment. Globally, salt has a negative impact on agricultural yield, because most of cultivated plants are salt-sensitive glycophytes. Salt stress also influences seed germination and seedling establishment in three different ways: ion toxicity, oxidative stress, and osmotic stress. Four groundnut genotypes (KDG-128, GG-20, GJG-31, and TG-37A) were examined for their phenotypic variation and the impact of salt content on germination, growth, and yield metrics. Different KCl and Na2SO4 solution concentrations were used in saline treatments. Salinity had a serious influence on germination, according to the results. Finding salt tolerance genotypes was the main goal of this study. The TG-37A and GJG-31 genotypes were proven to be salt-tolerant based on the germination %, but the KDG-128 genotype is a moderately salt-tolerant genotype and the GG-20 genotype is a salt-susceptible genotype. Genotypes for tolerance are beneficial in the field of agriculture, and the findings unambiguously showthat salinity cannot restrict plant growth and development. Manuscript profile