List of Articles M. Ghanbari

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    1 - BMO Space and its relation with wavelet theory
    Theory of Approximation and Applications , Issue 1 , Year , Spring 2012
    The aim of this paper is a) if Σak2< ∞then Σak rk(x) is inBMO that{rk(x)} is Rademacher system. b) P1k=1 ak!nk (x) 2 BMO; 2k  nk < 2k+1that f!n(x)g is Walsh system. c) If jakj < 1k then P1k=1 ak!k(x) 2 BMO.
    The aim of this paper is a) if Σak2< ∞then Σak rk(x) is inBMO that{rk(x)} is Rademacher system. b) P1k=1 ak!nk (x) 2 BMO; 2k  nk < 2k+1that f!n(x)g is Walsh system. c) If jakj < 1k then P1k=1 ak!k(x) 2 BMO. Manuscript profile