List of Articles B.G. Nath

  • Article

    1 - Constraints Analysis of Poultry Production at Dzongu Area of North Sikkim in India
    Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran , Issue 5 , Year , Autumn 2012
    A study was conducted at five villages of Dzongu, North Sikkim in India to identify various constraints faced by the farmers during poultry production. Selection of respondents of poultry farmers was done on the basis of Simple Random Techniques. The data were collected More
    A study was conducted at five villages of Dzongu, North Sikkim in India to identify various constraints faced by the farmers during poultry production. Selection of respondents of poultry farmers was done on the basis of Simple Random Techniques. The data were collected from each respondent through structured questionnaire as well as self observations. The study indicated that the input (82.25%), economical (74.60%), veterinary / health service (73.50%) and market (63.5%) constraints / problems were the most serious constraints as it was ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th respectively.Non availability of day old chicks, lack of feed supply, improper housing facility, high price rate of day old chick, lack of technical knowledge, non-availability of medicines and vaccines, poor government support for credit facility (soft loan) to farmers were the most important constraints perceived by the poultry farmers of Dzongu area. The study also pointed some suggestions for improving the poultry production in Dzongu. Introduction of improved dual purpose birds,providing credit and health care facilities and establishment of market can bring a significant improvement in sustainable poultry production in Dzongu area, North Sikkim. Manuscript profile