List of Articles Mostafa Omidi Bidgoli Article 1 - provide an analytical solution to investigate the three-dimensional thermoelastic behavior of a functionally calibrated cylindrical shell under asymmetric thermomechanical loading using theory مصطفی امیدی بیدگلی مریم لری دهسراجی رضا فائق Journal of Mechanical Research and Application , Issue 2 , Year , Winter 2021 Article 2 - Introduction and application of multi-point constraints method for connecting shell to solid element in Finite Element Analysis مصطفی امیدی بیگدلو Journal of Mechanical Research and Application , Issue 4 , Year , Spring 2021 Article 3 - Comprehensive overview of creep deformation of thick-walled FGM pressure vessels مصطفی امیدی بیدگلی Journal of Mechanical Research and Application , Issue 5 , Year , Autumn 2020