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    1 - ارتقاء هویت ورودی ایستگاه های متروی شهر تهران با بهره گیری از نشانه شناسی فرهنگی
    Hoviatshahr , Issue 2 , Year , Autumn 2015
    با توجه به افزایش روز افزون استفاده از مترو، یافتن ارتباط منطقی بین کالبد ایستگاه مترو و عناصر سازنده ی هویت آن،امری ضروروی شده است. هدف از این پژوهش، یافتن شاخصه های زمینه گرا کردن ایستگاه های مترو بر اساس نشانه هایفرهنگی است. ورودی های مترو مهم ترین نقاطی هستند که با More
    با توجه به افزایش روز افزون استفاده از مترو، یافتن ارتباط منطقی بین کالبد ایستگاه مترو و عناصر سازنده ی هویت آن،امری ضروروی شده است. هدف از این پژوهش، یافتن شاخصه های زمینه گرا کردن ایستگاه های مترو بر اساس نشانه هایفرهنگی است. ورودی های مترو مهم ترین نقاطی هستند که با کالبد شهر و انسان ها رابط های بسیار نزدیک دارند. در اینتحقیق با روش نشانه شناسی تحلیلی- تفسیری تلاش می شود، ابتدا رویکردهای طراحی ورودی ایستگاه ها بر اساس سطحمواجه با نشانه ها دسته بندی شود. سپس میزان توافق هر سطح با توجه به چهار گونه متن، و براساس سه سطح مواجه؛نشانه ساز، نشانه دار و نشانه گریز مورد بررسی قرار گیرد. براساس یافته های پژوهش، توجه به متن و لایه های آن، راهکاریمطلوب در جهت تبیین سطح مواجه با نشانه و بازیابی هویت، در هر یک از ورودی های ایستگاه های متروی شهر تهراناست. Manuscript profile

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    2 - Investigating the Variation and Versatility of an Effective Environment in Resident’s Satisfaction of Residential Complexes (Case study: Isfahan Zeytun Residential Complex)
    Space Ontology International Journal , Issue 4 , Year , Summer 2019
    The development of modern housing has been accompanied by less attention paid to the versatility and the variation of the living spaces. The quality of residential spaces has declined to a degree that the home has merely become a place to meet physical needs and many ps More
    The development of modern housing has been accompanied by less attention paid to the versatility and the variation of the living spaces. The quality of residential spaces has declined to a degree that the home has merely become a place to meet physical needs and many psychological problems have been neglected. Recognizing the factors affecting the environmental capabilities of today’s housing and design for improving the quality of life can create a desirable effect on the residents’ satisfaction. The present study was conducted to achieve the satisfaction of residents with creating a diversified and versatile (adaptable) space and investigate the effect of flexibility components on their satisfaction level. For this purpose, a residential complex in Isfahan (an Iranian city) was selected as the case study. This qualitative research was performed using library studies, field survey, and questionnaire. By examining the concepts of flexibility, the theoretical framework of the research was extracted. Then, according to the research’s background, the valuation of housing units was done in 7 plan types and three plan types with the highest average score were sampled. Finally, 38 residents of these units were questioned. The results showed that among 9 components effective on the concept flexibility, three factors of visual diversity, air moderation, and spatial hierarchy in all studied units are most important in terms of listener’s questions and play a significant role in the satisfaction of the residents of the flexible atmosphere. Manuscript profile

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    3 - Introducing a Lightweight Structural Model via Simulation of Vernacular “Pa Tu Pa” Arch
    Space Ontology International Journal , Issue 4 , Year , Summer 2020
    The knowledge of Iranian vernacular structures is based on geometry, and there is a possibility of recreating such structural patterns aimed at producing movable structures. The purpose of this research was to utilize the patterns of vernacular structures to provide a l More
    The knowledge of Iranian vernacular structures is based on geometry, and there is a possibility of recreating such structural patterns aimed at producing movable structures. The purpose of this research was to utilize the patterns of vernacular structures to provide a lightweight structural model. The questions raised included how to create various forms based on the structural history of any regions, test their performance degrees, and propose a lightweight structure for them. To this aim, a simulation method was used to simulate "pa tu pa" arch structure via visual programming tools and "Grasshopper" plug-in in "Rhino Ceros" software. Then, to examine the suggested forms generated from the first phase, the structural analysis tools in "SAP2000" software were employed. Assuming various structural connections and examining four types of connections at the structural bases and members, the results indicated that a lightweight structure was feasible with rigid connections. Taking advantage of the mathematical-geometric logic of Iranian traditional structures can lead to production of forms that mark the history of traditional structures. In the current study, connection types were only investigated and parameters such as material types and construction methods can be studied in future research. Manuscript profile