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    List of Articles محمد حسن شربتیان

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    1 - مطالعه جامعه‌شناختی میزان وابستگی به اینترنت ناشی از ارتباط با همسالان (مورد مطالعه دانش آموزان مقطع متوسطه دوم نواحی 2 و 3 آموزش‌ و پرورش شهر مشهد)
    Sociological studies , Issue 2 , Year , Autumn 2023
    گسترش اینترنت و تأثیر انکارناپذیر آن بر جامعه، به عنوان اصلی ترین رسانۀ نوین ارتباطی نقشی اساسی در تعاملات اجتماعی دارد. هدف این پژوهش، وابستگی دانش آموزان به اینترنت ناشی از ارتباط با همسالان است.این پژوهش با تأکید بر نظریه وابستگی به اینترنت و رویکرد جامعه پذیری همسال More
    گسترش اینترنت و تأثیر انکارناپذیر آن بر جامعه، به عنوان اصلی ترین رسانۀ نوین ارتباطی نقشی اساسی در تعاملات اجتماعی دارد. هدف این پژوهش، وابستگی دانش آموزان به اینترنت ناشی از ارتباط با همسالان است.این پژوهش با تأکید بر نظریه وابستگی به اینترنت و رویکرد جامعه پذیری همسالان انجام شده است.از منظر روش شناسی رویکرد کمی مبتنی بر پیمایش، در بین دانش آموزان مقطع دوم متوسطه نواحی 2 و 3 آموزش و پرورش شهر مشهد، مبتنی بر فرمول کوکران تعداد 396 نفر به عنوان حجم نمونه انتخاب شده اند. از نمونه گیری خوشه ای چند مرحله ای تصادفی و پرسشنامه استاندارد شده استفاده شده است.میزان آلفای کل برابر با 863/0 و میزان روایی همگرایی برابر با 650/0 به‌دست‌آمده است.نتایج نشان داد که وضعیت میانگین متغیرهای تحقیق در حد متوسط و برخی از ابعاد آن در حد متوسط به پایین بوده استبین فرضیه اصلی ارتباط با همسالان با میزان وابستگی به اینترنت 484/0 رابطه معنادار با شدت متوسط و بین فرضیه‌های فرعی با متغیر وابسته رابطه معناداری با شدت کم به دست آمده است. با توجه به بتای رگرسیون، مولفه های نوع و کیفیت رابطه در سطح خطای کوچک‌تر از 05/0 رابطه‌ای معنادار با متغیر وابسته داشته‌اند و متغیر مستقل و ابعاد آن در حدود 3/39 درصد تغییرات متغیر وابسته را تبیین کرده‌اند.در نتیجه ارتباط با همسالان، با تأکید بر نوع روابط و کیفیت آن، می‌تواند به تقویت وابستگی به اینترنت منجربه شود Manuscript profile

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    2 - A sociological analysis, subjective evaluation of youth social health indicators (Case Study Ghaen city youth of South Khorasan)( اصلاح شده بر اساس نظرات داوری انØ‌ام شده)
    Sociological Studies of Youth , Upcoming Articles
    Social health of any society is the most basic standards of social welfare and mental health will be linked to personal and social. As well as quality of life and reduce social ills affecting every society is and a kind of collective well-being and good life for the ind More
    Social health of any society is the most basic standards of social welfare and mental health will be linked to personal and social. As well as quality of life and reduce social ills affecting every society is and a kind of collective well-being and good life for the individual looking to provide Paper to measure social health of youth The theoretical framework of this research in the social health index is the standard Keynesian In discussing the methodology of the survey is cross-correlation The study population 18- to 30-year-old city located in South Khorasan is Ghaen The sample size of 400 cases were selected based on a formula Cochran Based on simple random cluster sampling method and statistical population through standardized questionnaire and the researcher have been studied In general, Cronbach's alpha coefficients obtained 0/75 study Spss 22 software for analyzing research data, along with descriptive and inferential statistical tests including Pearson correlation tests T, multivariate regression analysis was used The results show that the social health of young people in the city is assessed as moderate, and social cohesion component of public health's most dedicated social health than other components The base effect of economic and social variables, age and marital status is a significant public health impact, but it did not have sex. The regression results of the largest amount of variance explained by the variable age at a rate of 0/30 percent were social health.In total, according to the results of practical suggestions for improving social health of young people have to offer. Manuscript profile

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    3 - A sociological study of Internet dependence due to peer communication (Case study of high school students in districts 2 and 3 of education in Mashhad)
    Sociological Studies of Youth , Issue 5 , Year , Winter 2022
    The purpose of this study is students' dependence on the Internet due to communication with peers. This research has been done with emphasis on the theory of Internet dependence and peer socialization approach. From the methodological point of view of the quantitative s More
    The purpose of this study is students' dependence on the Internet due to communication with peers. This research has been done with emphasis on the theory of Internet dependence and peer socialization approach. From the methodological point of view of the quantitative survey-based approach, 396 people have been selected as the sample size among the high school students in the 2nd and 3rd high schools of Mashhad, based on the Cochran's formula. Random multi-stage cluster sampling and standardized questionnaire were used. Findings were analyzed by SPSS software using statistical tests. The total alpha value is 0.863 and the convergence validity is 0.650. The results showed that the average status of research variables was moderate and some of its dimensions were moderate. The results also show that there is no difference between Internet dependence and communication with peers with the gender variable. There was a significant difference between age groups and Internet dependence; In addition, a significant relationship with moderate intensity was found between the main hypothesis of communication with peers with internet dependence rate and a significant relationship with low intensity between sub-hypotheses with internet dependency variable. According to the regression beta, the components of relationship type and relationship quality at the error level less than 0.05 had a significant relationship with the dependent variable and the independent variable and its dimensions explained about 39.3% of the dependent variable changes. Manuscript profile

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    4 - The selection process of Farhangian university, the lived experience of a student teacher: a narrative research
    Sociological Studies of Youth , Issue 2 , Year , Summer 2023
    The current research was written with the aim of investigating the lived experience of a student teacher in the selection process of Farhangian University, in which the narrative is one of the selected students of Farhangian University. The method of conducting this qua More
    The current research was written with the aim of investigating the lived experience of a student teacher in the selection process of Farhangian University, in which the narrative is one of the selected students of Farhangian University. The method of conducting this qualitative research is narrative research. The tool of data collection in this research is the narratives of the subject, his memories and personal experiences of how the process of selecting Farhangian University, which themes and categories were extracted by coding them. The narratives were analyzed based on the theme analysis method. In order to ensure the validity of the researcher's self-review methods, data analysis, negative or contrasting case analysis, as well as external observers, such as help from colleagues and supervisors, were done. The findings indicate 9 themes and 18 central categories that played a role in the selection process of the studied subject in his orientation to Farhangian University. These 9 themes and 18 categories were extracted through the interpretation and coding of the memories, narratives and personal experiences of the subject under study. In general, although all 9 themes and 18 categories obtained in the selection process of Farhangian University by the studied subject have been effective, but at the end, there are some things including the relative talent and interest of the subject in the teaching profession (intrinsic motive) as well as the influence of teachers and unavoidable conditions of Farhangian University Manuscript profile

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    5 - Sociological Study of the Relationship between Social Capital and Academic Achievement (Case Study: Male High School Students in Ghaen)
    Sociological Studies of Youth , Issue 2 , Year , Summer 2021
    Academic achievement is one of the important indicators of human capital in any society and social capital as a facilitating social phenomenon affects academic achievement. The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between social capital indicators and stud More
    Academic achievement is one of the important indicators of human capital in any society and social capital as a facilitating social phenomenon affects academic achievement. The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between social capital indicators and students' academic achievement. The theoretical approach of this article refers to the function, facilitation and capacities of students in the field of social capital, which can be related to academic success through indicators such as (communication, participation, trust, security and cohesion).The methodology of the present study is descriptive-correlational and the study population is male high school students in Ghaen city in Khorasan Razavi that have been selected based on cluster-random sampling method and the sample size of 155 people has been obtained through Cochran's formula; and using a self-made interview questionnaire, information was collected from the respondents at the level of sequential assessment. Through descriptive and inferential tests, respondents' information was analyzed with SPSS software Cronbach's alpha for the social capital variable is 0.734 and for the academic achievement variable is 0.710. The weighted average of the independent variable and its components is between 58.6- 74.7 and for the dependent variable and its components is between 65.7- 78. Among the indicators of the independent variable, social capital (social interactions) and among the components of the indicators of academic achievement had the highest rate. Based on the results of the hypothesis, between the components of the independent and dependent variables, a significant relationship with moderate intensity can be observed between some of these components. In addition, social interactions, social participation, social trust, social security and social cohesion had the highest relationship with the dependent variable, respectively. Manuscript profile

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    6 - Study of the Relationship between Social Health and Feeling of Security (Case Study: The Youth Aged 20 to 40 Years Old in Gonabad)
    Sociological Studies of Youth , Issue 2 , Year , Summer 2020
    Assessing an individual's ability to perform effectively, efficiently performing social skills, and social roles in order to enhance the feeling of security as a matter of empowering quality of life can lead to the necessary correlation between social health and a feeli More
    Assessing an individual's ability to perform effectively, efficiently performing social skills, and social roles in order to enhance the feeling of security as a matter of empowering quality of life can lead to the necessary correlation between social health and a feeling of Security. The purpose of this study is to investigate the significant structural relationship of variables at the level of micro-analysis resulting from interactions of comfort-based security, peace of mind based on collective elements such as coherence, adaptation, participation, acceptance and prosperity. In the methodology of quantitative method based on survey (description and correlation) of 20 to 40 year old youth of Gonabad with a sample size of 400 people based on Cochran's formula and simple random sampling method based on standardized questionnaire (social health) and researcher (Feeling of Security) has been measured and analyzed.The hypothesis of social health and its components (coherence, acceptance, cohesion, contribution, and actualization, respectively) had a significant relationship with moderate and positive severity other than the feeling of security.Based on the results of the structural equation, the combined reliability criteria of 0.7 and the convergence validity above 0.5 are obtained, which indicates the appropriate reliability of the model. According to the significance coefficient of Z (T-value) at the 95% confidence level and the values of the R Square or R2 criterion table in order to fit the model, it indicates the effect of value (0.207) and based on the final value of Q2 criterion in terms of predictive power with value. (0.15) indicates that the effect of variables and components in the structural model is moderate.As a result, social health as a necessary variable in the medium to high level, relying on planning and systematization by relevant institutions and organizations can lead to improving the capability of security components. Manuscript profile

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    7 - رابطه سرمایه فرهنگی با سبک زندگی سلامت محور (موردمطالعه: زنان بالای 20 تا 48سال شهر دامغان)
    Quarterly Journal of Woman and Society , Issue 4 , Year , Winter 2023
    هدف: هدف از نوشتار حاضر رابطه بین سرمایه فرهنگی با سبک زندگی سلامت‌محور با تأکید بر نظریه بوردیو و کاکرهام است.  روش: رویکرد کمی محور مبتنی بر شیوه پیمایش(توصیفی- همبستگی)،با تکیه بر ابزار پرسشنامه استانداردشده در More
    هدف: هدف از نوشتار حاضر رابطه بین سرمایه فرهنگی با سبک زندگی سلامت‌محور با تأکید بر نظریه بوردیو و کاکرهام است.  روش: رویکرد کمی محور مبتنی بر شیوه پیمایش(توصیفی- همبستگی)،با تکیه بر ابزار پرسشنامه استانداردشده در بین زنان 20 تا 48 ساله شهر دامغان به تعداد 400 نفر در قالب نمونه‌گیری  دو مرحله ای، در ابتدا خوشه‌ای و سپس تصادفی ساده یافته‌ها جمع‌آوری شد.میزان آلفای کرونباخ سبک زندگی سلامت محور برابر (0.933) و سرمایه فرهنگی (0.800) و میزان روایی همگرایی متغیر وابسته (0.459) و متغیر مستقل برابر با (0.474) به‌دست‌آمده است و از روش های آمار توصیفی و استنباطی با تکیه بر نرم افزار های SPSS  و Smart PLS یافته ها مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفته است. یافته ها: نتایج توصیفی حاکی از آن است که وضعیت میانگین متغیر ها به همراه مولفه های شان در حد متوسط به بالا بوده است.در بین ابعاد سبک زندگی سلامت محور(روابط بین فردی)و  در بین ابعاد متغیر سرمایه فرهنگی (سرمایه ضابطه‌ای) اهمیت بیشتری داشته اند.بر اساس نتایج همبستگی پیرسون(0.571) رابطه بین متغیرهای اصلی متوسط، مثبت و معنادار بوده است و رابطه مفروض بین مولفه های سرمایه های عینیت یافته (0.452)و تجسم یافته(0.427) با متغیر وابسته معنی‌دار با شدت متوسط و رابطه مفروض مولفه سرمایه ضابطه مند (0.225) بامتغیر یادشده معنی دار با شدت ضعیف بوده است. بر اساس نتایج بتای رگرسیون بیشترین بتاها (سرمایه فرهنگی، سرمایه عینیت یافته، سرمایه تجسم‌یافته، سرمایه ضابطه‌مند و…) با مقدار ضریب همبستگی (0.527) توانسته اند در حدود 32 درصد از تغییرات متغیر سبک زندگی سلامت‌محور را تبیین کنند. Manuscript profile