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  • Ehsan Hadipour Fard

    List of Articles Ehsan Hadipour Fard

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    1 - A Study of Exploratory Factor Analytic Model: Identifying Optimal Number of Factors Affecting Reflection-for-action Scale
    International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research , Issue 3 , Year , Autumn 2022
    This study aimed at developing and designing a new model and instrument to explore attitudes of Iranian EFL Teachers towards reflection-for-action through their teaching. In so doing, the researchers followed several rigorous steps including extensive literature review, More
    This study aimed at developing and designing a new model and instrument to explore attitudes of Iranian EFL Teachers towards reflection-for-action through their teaching. In so doing, the researchers followed several rigorous steps including extensive literature review, content selection, item generation, designing the rating scales and personal information part, item revision, and detecting factor structure. An initial draft of the questionnaire consisting of ten dimensions along with 49 items, investigating teachers’ attitudes towards the components of reflection-for-action scale based on the literature and interview with a panel of experts. Then, it was distributed to a group of 150 Iranian EFL teachers to refine it more. Finally, Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) of the obtained data revealed that the questionnaire consisted of a seven-factor structure including Academic Qualification as the (first factor), Experience (second factor), Professional Development (third factor), Collaboration (fourth factor), Perception (fifth factor), Efficacy (sixth factor), Motivation (seventh factor). Manuscript profile

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    2 - Reconceptualizing the Main Factors of Reflection-for-Action in an Iranian EFL Context
    International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research , Issue 5 , Year , Winter 2021
    Reflection is a key component of teacher development by which teachers can gain an understanding of the teaching knowledge, connect theory to practice and develop teaching skills. This study aimed to investigate the underlying structure of the items that make up ‘ More
    Reflection is a key component of teacher development by which teachers can gain an understanding of the teaching knowledge, connect theory to practice and develop teaching skills. This study aimed to investigate the underlying structure of the items that make up ‘reflection-for-action’ in an Iranian EFL context. To present a framework for research and highlight the components of reflection-for-action, this study developed and validated a teacher reflection-for-action questionnaire. To this end, ten components were identified after undertaking a comprehensive review of the literature and conducting interviews with domain experts on Reflection. Then a draft version of the Reflection questionnaire, consisting of 49 items, was pilot tested with 200 teacher evaluators, who were working for various English language institutes and universities in Iran. The results, using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), led to a 38-item questionnaire with strong estimates of reliability and validity. The results also demonstrated that the questionnaire consisted of a seven-factor structure of collaboration, motivation, perception, experience, academic qualification, professional development, and efficacy. Consequently, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was carried out with another 200 Iranian EFL teachers to check the fitness of the proposed model. The result of CFA indicated that the model enjoyed a satisfactory level of goodness of fit, showing that the seven-factor were not the result of random variance in the learners’ responses. Finally, statistical results are discussed and implications are provided. Manuscript profile