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    List of Articles مهدی خاک زند

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    1 - Explaining the Adaptability Model of Indus‌trial Heritage with Landscape
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2022
    Indus‌trial heritage includes remnants of an indus‌trial period with his‌torical, technological, social, architectural, or scientific value and is therefore worthy of protection. The adaptability of indus‌trial heritage is one of the conservation approaches that will le More
    Indus‌trial heritage includes remnants of an indus‌trial period with his‌torical, technological, social, architectural, or scientific value and is therefore worthy of protection. The adaptability of indus‌trial heritage is one of the conservation approaches that will lead to sus‌tainability while preserving heritage and preserving social and cultural values. Accordingly, the purpose of this s‌tudy is to provide a comprehensive model in the field of indus‌trial heritage adaptability with the perspective that covers as much as possible the components affecting adaptability and empowers s‌takeholders in this field to answer the ques‌tions. This research is of a mixed type, which is done in two qualitative and quantitative phases and two s‌tages of model presentation due to comparative s‌tudies and model validation. The components of the proposed research model were identified through a comparative s‌tudy of 5 successful examples in the field of indus‌trial heritage adaptability to the landscape. In order to validate, the final model was presented to 180 experts, and the model's validity was confirmed using s‌tructural equations in the confirmatory factor analysis phase. The results showed that nine economic, his‌torical, physical, social, cultural, infras‌tructural, technological, environmental, and policy factors affect the adaptability of indus‌trial heritage to the landscape. This research presents an improved model that can be useful in adapting the indus‌trial heritage to the landscape in the country. Manuscript profile

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    2 - Architecture Students’ Understanding of Landscape Issues in Design Studios (A Comparison Approach in Some Tehran Architecture Schools)
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , Issue 4 , Year , Summer 2015
    Without the surrounding environment of a site, architecture loses its full meaning. In the evolutionof the design process, a site's environment should be understood as the integral factor within which a designed productor artifact is expected to perform. The environment More
    Without the surrounding environment of a site, architecture loses its full meaning. In the evolutionof the design process, a site's environment should be understood as the integral factor within which a designed productor artifact is expected to perform. The environment is not of secondary priority. Every building is intertwined with itscontext; context being its physical, visual and ecological potentials. Modern day practice encourages the considerationof ecological factors in any plan to create/alter sites even for those who are not landscape architects. In the pedagogy ofTehran architecture schools today, the architectural design process barely touches upon landscape environment; this is aflawed presentation of architecture which should be remedied. In common practice of Iranian education, buildings riseto represent only themselves. The graduates of this lacking method owe their mal-education to the problematic studioeducation system. This paper presents both qualitative and quantitative evidence to support the notion that Tehranschools should change their teaching methodology to accommodate the importance of environment in the architecturaldesign process. All research participants are students of architecture. The data, which includes content analysis exportsand log-linear analysis, presents the difference between the students' point of view regarding a designed building andits relationship with the surrounding landscape. Manuscript profile

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    3 - بررسی نحوه و چگونگی بهیافت منظر در لندفیل دره ژوان (گاراف)
    Human & Environment , Issue 1 , Year , Autumn 2021
    امروزه یکی از معضلات شهری مدیریت مناسب زباله با کم ترین آسیب به محیط زیست می باشد. در بین راه حل های متداول دفن زباله، در لندفیل ها، بهترین روش های مدیریت زباله در جهان می باشد. اما به توجه به بررسی های انجام شده توسط محققین عمر مفید این سایت ها بین 25 تا 30 می باشد. در More
    امروزه یکی از معضلات شهری مدیریت مناسب زباله با کم ترین آسیب به محیط زیست می باشد. در بین راه حل های متداول دفن زباله، در لندفیل ها، بهترین روش های مدیریت زباله در جهان می باشد. اما به توجه به بررسی های انجام شده توسط محققین عمر مفید این سایت ها بین 25 تا 30 می باشد. در دهه های اخیر احیای این سایت ها مورد توجه جهان قرار گرفته است و پروژه های موفق بسیاری را در سرتا سر جهان شاهد هستیم. اما متاسفانه سیاست بهیافت لندفیل[1]ها در ایران هنوز دچار بی توجهی می باشد. هدف این نوشتار درس گرفتن از تجارب پروژه های انجام شده در سطح جهان به منظور استفاده از این تجارب در مدیریت شهرهای ایران است که با انتخاب لندفیل دره ژوان (گاراف) [2] به عنوان نمونه موردی و یک پروژه موفق (منتخب 8 مسابقه معماری در سطح جهان)[3]، به بررسی و تحلیل این پروژه با بررسی متون و مصاحبه با شرکت طراح پروژه پرداخته شده است. که در آغاز با استفاده از اقدامات و راهبرد های اتخاذ شده در این پروژه با توجه به چالشهای موجود سایت و سیاست های بالا دستی به تحلیل کارشناسانه نقاط قوت و ضعف پروژه پرداخته شده است و در نهایت به تبیین فاکتور های مهم در بهیافت[4] این پروژه جهت الگوگیری از پروژه های مشابه با توجه به معضلات امروز شهر تهران در توسعه لندفیل ها و بهره گیری سایر شهرهای ایران پرداخته شده است.[1]- Landfill (سایت دفن زباله)[2]-GARRAF NATURAL PARK,BEGUES. BARCELONA[3]- 8 مسابقه به همراه مقام کسب شده عبارتند از:The International Architecture Award 2014.Category “Landscape Architecture”Work: “Landscape restoration of the controlled rubbish dump la Vall d’en Joan”.Garraf Natural Park/ FIRST PRIZE8th International Biennale of Landscape “Rosa Barba” 2014. Work: “Landscape restoration of the controlled rubbish dump la Vall d’en Joan”/ FIRST PRIZEWAF2008 Award. World Architecture Festival. Category Energy, Waste & Recycling. Work: “Landscape restoration of the controlled rubbish dump la Vall d’en Joan”.Garraf Natural Park/ FIRST PRIZEMediterranean Landscape Award. Category: Built Works. “Landscape restoration of the controlled rubbish dump la Vall d’en Joan”.Garraf Natural Park, Barcelona/FIRST PRIZEIX Bienal de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Category Rehabilitation | Urbanism. Urban regeneration. Work:“Landscape restoration of the controlled rubbish dump la Vall d’en Joan”.Garraf Natural Park, Barcelona/ FINALISTSBaix Llobregat Architecture Triennial Awards.Category: Outdoor Spaces & Technologic Innovation. Work: “Landscape restoration of the controlled rubbish dump la Vall d’en Joan”.Garraf Natural Park, Barcelona/FINALISTSEuropean Urban Public Space Awards 2004. Work: “Landscape restoration of the controlled rubbish dump la Vall d’en Joan”.Garraf Natural Park, Barcelona./FIRST PRIZEFAD’04 AWARDS. Category: PublicSpace.Work: “Landscape restoration of the controlled rubbish dump la Vall d’en Joan”.Garraf Natural Park, Barcelona./FINALISTS[4]- Upcycle Manuscript profile