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  • farideh hakimian

    List of Articles farideh hakimian

  • Article

    1 - A Proposal for a New Method of Modeling of the Quantum Dot Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers
    Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures , Issue 4 , Year , Autumn 2019
    With the advancement of nanoscale semiconductor technology,
    semiconductor optical amplifiers are used to amplify and process all-optical signals. In
    this paper, with the aim of calculating the gain of quantum dot semiconductor optical
    amplifier (QD-SOA), More
    With the advancement of nanoscale semiconductor technology,
    semiconductor optical amplifiers are used to amplify and process all-optical signals. In
    this paper, with the aim of calculating the gain of quantum dot semiconductor optical
    amplifier (QD-SOA), two groups of rate equations and the optical signal propagating
    equation are used in the active layer of the device. For this purpose, the related
    equations are presented coherently. In our model, the rate equations that are ordinary
    differential equations (ODE) are solved by the Runge-Kutta method. The rate equations
    are based on the occupation probabilities of the energy levels instead of the carrier
    densities. On the other hand, the signal propagating equation is a partial differential
    equation (PDE) and is solved by using the SLICE technique. Therefore, a suitable
    solution for numerical modeling is presented. Based on the presented method, modeling
    is implemented in the MATLAB environment. The modeling results show a remarkable
    accuracy of the model. Also, the proposed model is simple and the runtime is too short
    in comparison with other similar models. Manuscript profile

  • Article

    2 - Proposal for Modeling of FWM Efficiency of QD-SOA Based on the Pump/Probe Measurement Technique
    Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures , Issue 5 , Year , Winter 2020
    In this paper, we propose a numerical model for Four-Wave Mixing (FWM)
    efficiency in quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifiers (QD-SOAs). Despite the
    complexities of the equations governing the QD-SOAs, simple models with short
    computational time are e More
    In this paper, we propose a numerical model for Four-Wave Mixing (FWM)
    efficiency in quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifiers (QD-SOAs). Despite the
    complexities of the equations governing the QD-SOAs, simple models with short
    computational time are essential to analyze and design them. We present equations of
    the QD-SOAs coherently and calculate FWM efficiency in the QD-SOA using the
    pump/probe technique. In this model, the rate equations take into account the
    occupation probabilities of each level instead of the carrier of densities. Moreover, the
    transfer matrix based on the pump/probe measurement technique is solved in two
    dimensions, space and time, using the Slice technique. The described model is
    implemented in the MATLAB environment. The proposed model is simpler than similar
    models and has a shorter computational time than them Manuscript profile