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    List of Articles یداله حبیبی

  • Article

    1 - The Effect of Antenna Movement and Material Properties on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in a Two-Dimensional Metamaterials
    Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures , Issue 4 , Year , Autumn 2016
    Increasing development of nano-technology in optics and photonics by using modern methods of light control in waveguide devices and requiring miniaturization and electromagnetic devices such as antennas, transmission and storage as well as improvement in the electromagn More
    Increasing development of nano-technology in optics and photonics by using modern methods of light control in waveguide devices and requiring miniaturization and electromagnetic devices such as antennas, transmission and storage as well as improvement in the electromagnetic tool, have led researchers to use the phenomenon of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) and similar phenomena in metamaterials. In this work, we introduce a metamaterial structure in nanometer dimensions and THz frequency region. Moreover, by broking the geometrical symmetry structure, we offer EIT with high transmittance and more Q-factor in comparison, to our knowledge, with previous studies of two-dimensional structure, in the infrared region. These achievements can be a good choice for slow light applications and can be used to amplify light in nanostructure and also to detect the infrared light. Finally, we study the effect of changing the metal on the proposed metamaterial. Moreover, in this study, numerical calculations and simulations are done by FDTD methodphenomenon of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) and similar phenomena in metamaterials. In this work, we introduce a metamaterial structure in nanometer dimensions and THz frequency region. Moreover, by broking the geometrical symmetry structure, we offer EIT with high transmittance and more Q-factor in comparison, to our knowledge, with previous studies of two-dimensional structure, in the infrared region. These achievements can be a good choice for slow light applications and can be used to amplify light in nanostructure and also to detect the infrared light. Finally, we study the effect of changing the metal on the proposed metamaterial. Moreover, in this study, numerical calculations and simulations are done by FDTD method. Manuscript profile

  • Article

    2 - Interaction of Laser Beam and Gold Nanoparticles, Study of Scattering Intensity and the Effective Parameters
    Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures , Issue 4 , Year , Autumn 2017
     In this paper, the optical properties of gold nanoparticles investigated. For this purpose the scattering intensity of a laser beam incident on gold nanoparticles has been studied using Mie theory and their respective curves versus different parameters such as sca More
     In this paper, the optical properties of gold nanoparticles investigated. For this purpose the scattering intensity of a laser beam incident on gold nanoparticles has been studied using Mie theory and their respective curves versus different parameters such as scattering angle, wavelength of the laser beam and the size of gold nanoparticles are plotted. Investigating and comparison of the depicted plots show that the scattering intensity increases with increasing gold nanoparticles size up to 100 nm and further increasing of nanoprticles sizes leads to oscillating like behavior in the intensity patterns. Several peaks emerges in the patterns of intensity versus nanoparticle size. It was also found that for particles with sizes less than 100 nm the intensity patterns versus wavelength had a one peak about 520 nm while for the particles bigger than 100 nm there appears other maxima in different wavelength too. Changing the angle of scattering led to change in the intensity pattern of scattered light and its minimum value was detected at 90°. These results can be used in detecting cancerous tumors and in cancer therappy. Manuscript profile

  • Article

    3 - Computational Investigation on Structural Properties of Carbon Nanotube Binding to Nucleotides According to the QM Methods
    Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures , Issue 1 , Year , Spring 2019
    The interaction between nucleotides and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is a subject
    of many investigations for treating diseases but there are many questions in this field that
    remain unanswered. Because of experimental methods involve assumptions and
    interpreta More
    The interaction between nucleotides and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is a subject
    of many investigations for treating diseases but there are many questions in this field that
    remain unanswered. Because of experimental methods involve assumptions and
    interpretation besides limitations, there are many problems that the best study for them is
    using theoretical study. Consequently, theoretical methods have become a competitive
    alternative to experiments for biochemical investigations. In order to search about the
    response of SWCNTs in binding to DNA, the interaction between 3 different sequences
    of B-form single-strand DNA (ssDNA) and outer surface of single-walled carbon
    nanotubes (SWCNTs) is considered. So we studied the interaction between (5`-ATC-
    3`,5`-TCA-3`,5`-TCG-3`) and SWCNT by using Molecular Mechanic(MM) ,Hartree-
    Fock(HF) and Density Functional Theory(DFT,B3LYP) methods in gas phase. The basis
    sets used were STO-3G, 6–31G.In current interest, energy, dipole moment, total atomic
    charges and NMR parameters calculated to obtain information about the molecular
    structures and stability of these combinations. Our results revealed the effect of DNA base
    and the sequence of nucleotides on the interaction of DNA/SWCNTs systems. So, we can
    predict that diseases with special mutation are the better aim for Gene therapy. Therefore,
    the outcome reported in this paper indicates that theoretical data can give us essential
    insights into the nature of molecular structures interacted to nanotubes. Manuscript profile

  • Article

    4 - Providing a Bird Swarm Algorithm based on Classical Conditioning Learning Behavior and Comparing this Algorithm with sinDE, JOA, NPSO and D-PSO-C Based on Using in Nanoscience
    Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures , Issue 4 , Year , Autumn 2020
    There can be no doubt that nanotechnology will play a major role in our future
    technology. Computer science offers more opportunities for quantum and
    nanotechnology systems. Soft Computing techniques such as swarm intelligence, can
    enable systems with des More
    There can be no doubt that nanotechnology will play a major role in our future
    technology. Computer science offers more opportunities for quantum and
    nanotechnology systems. Soft Computing techniques such as swarm intelligence, can
    enable systems with desirable emergent properties. Optimization is an important and
    decisive activity in structural designing. The inexpensive requirement in memory and
    computation suits well with nanosized autonomous agents whose capabilities may be
    limited by their size. To apply in nanorobot control, a modification of PSO algorithm is
    required. Using birds’ classical conditioning learning behavior in this paper, particles will
    learn to perform a natural conditional behavior towards an unconditioned stimulus.
    Particles in the problem space are divided into multiple categories and if any particle finds
    the diversity of its category in a low level, it will try to move towards its best personal
    experience. We also used the idea of birds’ sensitivity to the space in which they fly and
    tried to move the particles more quickly in improper spaces so that they would depart the
    spaces. On the contrary, we reduced the particles’ speed in valuable spaces in order to do
    more search. The proposed method was implemented in MATLAB software and
    compared to similar results. It was shown that the proposed method finds a good solution
    to the problem regardless of nondeterministic functions or stochastic conditions. Manuscript profile

  • Article

    5 - Binding energy in tuned quantum dots under an external magnetic field
    Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures , Issue 5 , Year , Winter 2022
    The binding energy of a tuned quantum dot (QD) under an external magnetic field have been theoretically investigated. For this goal, the Schrödinger equation is analytically solved without and with considering the impurity term and the energy eigenvalues and eigenf More
    The binding energy of a tuned quantum dot (QD) under an external magnetic field have been theoretically investigated. For this goal, the Schrödinger equation is analytically solved without and with considering the impurity term and the energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are analytically derived. Then, the binding of the tuned QD was studied considering the various parameters. We found that (i) the binding energy decrease with rising the potential range. (ii) The binding energy reduces with enhancing the potential depth. The depth and stretching range of the confinement potential have important effects on the binding energy of the tuned QD.The binding energy of a tuned quantum dot (QD) under an external magnetic field have been theoretically investigated. For this goal, the Schrödinger equation is analytically solved without and with considering the impurity term and the energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are analytically derived. Then, the binding of the tuned QD was studied considering the various parameters. We found that (i) the binding energy decrease with rising the potential range. (ii) The binding energy reduces with enhancing the potential depth. The depth and stretching range of the confinement potential have important effects on the binding energy of the tuned QD. Manuscript profile