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    1 - Importance of Urban Tourism Planning in Tehran with Economic Approach
    Journal of Tourism Hospitality Research , Issue 1 , Year , Spring 2020
    In world economic process, tourism plays a critical role and is deemed as a main element ofdevelopment. One of mostly-used types of tourism is the urban tourism as the beginning ofdevelopment of this industry, and attracts many tourists per year. This paper studies the More
    In world economic process, tourism plays a critical role and is deemed as a main element ofdevelopment. One of mostly-used types of tourism is the urban tourism as the beginning ofdevelopment of this industry, and attracts many tourists per year. This paper studies the urbantourism importance, then the role of urban tourism planning in metropolitan Tehran. The mainpurpose of this research is the analysis and recognition of position of tourism industry ineconomic growth and income resources of Tehran. The current research is practical in goal, anddescriptive- inferential in the research performance methodology, and the data was collectedusing the documentary and questionnaire method. Statistical population of this research includesTehran inhabitants among whom the researcher- organized questionnaire was distributed andcollected. Using Cochran Formula, 384 people was chosen as sample of statistical population,and data was analyzed and the statistical tests were used by applying SPSS software. The resultsindicated that planning for attraction of more tourists and increase of their duration can beeffective on economic development of Tehran. In this research, tourism industry includes twoimportant factors, infrastructures and advertisement, which shall be considered as main priorityand seriously pursued in Tehran tourism planning Manuscript profile