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    1 - Assessing the Effective Factors on JudgingArchitectural Design Projects of UniversityStudents
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , Issue 2 , Year , Spring 2017
    Since nature of architecture is quite different from that of other fields of study, the criteria used forjudging projects in this field continuously undergo some changes. On the other hand, because of the undeniable role ofhuman factors in judging the projects, there is More
    Since nature of architecture is quite different from that of other fields of study, the criteria used forjudging projects in this field continuously undergo some changes. On the other hand, because of the undeniable role ofhuman factors in judging the projects, there is always a percentage of deviation from the standard given the interestsof the judging committee. The standards of judging architecture projects can be divided into these general classes:idea, process and technical issues. The standards of judging architecture projects can be classified as such: Selection,placement, relations of function, form, volume, internal arrangement and circulation; Considering the studies, analyzingand planning the body of the project; Considering the substrate of the project and recognizing the facilities and theirlimits; Engineering of the project: considering the relationship between technical knowledge and designing; Usingimagination, innovation and creativity when it comes to the idea of the project and the quality of developing this idea;Providence: flexibility and variability of the design in the future; Being aware of the factors affecting the formation ofthe design (moral, tribal, and cultural); Being practically logical and realistic, paying attention to the applicablenessof the design and its compliance with the topic; Taking into account the technical principles, structural systems andmachineries; Graphic (visual) and oral (introduction and defense) presentation method. Reviewing previous studiesthat have focused on different methods for judging student projects shows that we can divide these methods into thefollowing classes: Evaluation by the professors (throughout the project); Group display of the works; Evaluation bythe classmates; Personal evaluation; Traditional methods of judgment; Written judgment of the professors; Evaluationby the professor (regarding the completed project). Manuscript profile