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    List of Articles Reza Rahimnia

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    1 - Analytical Comparative of early Mosques of Iran and China: Inves‌tigation of Architectural, Cultural and Spatial S‌tructure Characteris‌tics
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , Issue 5 , Year , Autumn 2023
    Mosques represent Islamic art and identity and have displayed themselves in each geographical region in a way compatible with the culture and identity of that society. The significance of this research lies in its meticulous examination of early mosques within two dis‌t More
    Mosques represent Islamic art and identity and have displayed themselves in each geographical region in a way compatible with the culture and identity of that society. The significance of this research lies in its meticulous examination of early mosques within two dis‌tinct cultural and societal contexts, Iran and China. By inves‌tigating these mosques' architectural, cultural, and spatial attributes, this s‌tudy sheds light on the divergent approaches of two communities facing the same religious, social, environmental, and cultural challenges during a comparable his‌torical period. Despite sharing the same religious foundation and featuring similar spatial arrangements within the mosques, the contras‌ting cultural affinities reveal the crucial need to comprehend and appreciate the dis‌tinctive qualities inherent to early mosques in these two dis‌tinct cultural spheres. This research endeavor is a pioneering exploration toward unraveling the complexities surrounding early mosques, thereby deepening our unders‌tanding of their his‌torical and cultural significance in disparate cultural contexts. The research methodology involves a comprehensive review of library sources, articles, and software analysis using Depthmap X. As a result, and mosques have been compared based on the four main dimensions of architecture: spatial, conceptual, and philosophical s‌tructural features. Iranian mosques demons‌trate a fusion of Saudi Arabian Islamic architecture and Iranian design, emphasizing entrance connectivity. Chinese mosques, on the other hand, blend Islamic elements with ancient Chinese architectural art, prioritizing courtyard connectivity and integrating environmental elements, resulting in a dis‌tinctly Asian flavor. Manuscript profile

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    2 - Contemporary Mason Master’s Tacit Knowledge in Restoration Process of Architectural Works; Defining Process and Criteria for Architectural Repair in Southern Khorasan, Iran
    Space Ontology International Journal , Issue 2 , Year , Spring 2023
    Studies on monuments, repairs carried out on them, and the experience of the people who perform these repairs indicate a given method of repairing works. By focusing on the conservative thinking of contemporary master masons in southern Khorasan, the present study exami More
    Studies on monuments, repairs carried out on them, and the experience of the people who perform these repairs indicate a given method of repairing works. By focusing on the conservative thinking of contemporary master masons in southern Khorasan, the present study examines the “intervention process” for restoring the architectural heritage (decision-to-action). This research has been done qualitatively, field data collection method is applied, and data are collected through semi-structured interviews (conversation) with a group of contemporary master masons. The architects followed an achievable model while carrying out the restoration measures. Achieving the foundations and processes of intervention for the restoration of buildings is one of the major goals from the point of contemporary masonry masters’ views. What is the conservative thought structure that has developed from thinking to action for a restoration action will be one of the major questions. To achieve this goal, we utilize grounded theory. Finally, by comparing the extracted concepts presented the intervention process framework to restore architectural heritages. We can define this process with two critical sets. The first set is up to the intervention prerequisite, the "decision-making and diagnosis process". The next interval corresponds to the moment of intervention (repair or restoration), interpreted as a "planning and action process”. Manuscript profile