The study of word order and syntactic phrases in Turkish Dialect of Germi
Subject Areas : azari (turkish) language and literature
Hengameh Vaezi
Esmaeil Shahi Alileh
Masomeh Arjmandi
1 - Assistant professor, English language and Linguistics, Rasht branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran .
2 - M.A Graduated in Department of linguistics, Rasht branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran.
3 - Assistant professor, English language and Linguistics, Rasht branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran.
Keywords: word order, Germi turkish dialect, type, agglutinative language, focus,
Abstract :
In this paper, Turkish Dialect of Germi will be examined (in Moghan, Ardebil Province). It’s based on the framework of remarkable typologists named Comrie (1989) Greenberg (1974). The aim is to study and describe the typological properties in different syntactic phrases. Regarding the language varieties and corruption of many dialects and languages, it’s necessary to study them. I attempt to gather and look into them to determine how they arrange in a sentence. The goal is to know how they arrange in different phrases and finally recognize the word order in this language. The data analysis shows that in this language, the word order is SOV (subject+object+verb); this is the unmarked and basic order of constituents. So the subject and the object are located before verb; preposition and adjective are located before noun like other SOV order. The word order changing can manifest the information, focused on the position of the sentence.
- احمدی گیوی، حسن(1384)، دستور تطبیقی زبان ترکی و فارسی، تهران، نشر قطره.
- خوش باطن، حسین ( 1385)، مطالعۀ ساختار نحوی زبان ترکی از دیدگاه زبانشناسی، تبریز، خوش باطن
- رضائی باغبیدی، حسن (1385)، زبانهای ایرانی و زبانهای غیرایرانی رایج در ایران، تهران، سازمان چاپ و انتشارات وزارت فرهنگ و ارشاد اسلامی.
- فرزانه، محمد علی(1371)، مبانی دستور زبان آذربایجانی، فرهنگ.
- هیئت، جواد( 1366)، سیری در تاریخ زبان ولهجههای ترکی، تهران، نشر پیکان.
پایگاه اینترنتی
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منابع لاتین
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