Muslims’ Narration of India (Case Study: the Story of Creation)
Subject Areas : Journal of History (Tarikh)
Mohsen Shahbakhti
mostafa naseri rad
Boshra delrish
Javad Sakha
1 - Phd student,History Department,Takestan Branch,Islamic Azad University,Takestan,Iran
2 - History DepartmentTakestan Branch,Islamic Azad University,Takestan,Iran
3 - History DepartmentTakestan Branch,Islamic Azad University,Takestan,Iran
4 - History Department,, Abhar Branch,Islamic Azad University,Abhar,Iran
Keywords: India, first human being, Adam’s descent, Muslims’ narrations,
Abstract :
One of the topics posited in the early and middle Islamic centuries is the story of Adam’s descent in India. It can be possibly stated that the story of the first human being is a universal one. It has been dealt with by the Abrahamic religions ad it has also been presented in the testaments and the holy Quran. Some believe that this story is unreal, imaginary and drawn on the other cultures and some others realize this commonality as a proof of its originality in the various cultures each of which has given it a vernacular form. There is a third group that approaches it through the lens of allegory and myth. The present study uses a descriptive-analytical method to specify and highlight the position of the Indian territory as the first land of the human beings as narrated by Muslims, especially the Iranian Muslim authors and analyze the actions and reactions of the Abrahamic religions and nations’ cultures over such world-inclusive subjects as the first human being and underline that such a story is not single-rooted and unidimensional and that various factors have played roles in its formation