The Geopolitics of Globalization and Its Impact on the Tehran Cosmopolis Economy Using the SWOT Model
Subject Areas :
shirko pasandi
Bijan Rahmani
1 - PhD Student in Geography and Urban Planning, Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University.Malayer.Iran
2 - Associate professor in Geography and Urban Planning, Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University.Malayer.Iran
Received: 2018-10-02
Accepted : 2019-01-09
Published : 2021-08-23
Tehran cosmopolis,
Abstract :
Cosmopolis as political-spatial phenomena affects the relations and political power of each other within the geopolitical framework of globalization at national, regional and international levels. This competitive environment is realized through the creation of a free market economy, the flow of capital and commodities, urban diplomacy, international relations, the sphere of influence of cosmopolis in the context of globalization, and thus creates a network of hierarchies of cosmopolis. In the course of these developments, two opposing poles with a different geopolitical atmosphere from the superior cities such as London, New York and Tokyo, and the black hole cosmopolis, i.e., Tehran, remain in isolation, despite its prevailing geopolitical position, and a major contributor to geopolitical processes which are not globalized. The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship and the extent of Tehran's influence on globalization and its economic developments (eliminating deprivation and increasing social welfare) in the course of competitiveness, political and diplomatic relations with other cosmopolises. Theoretically the methodology of the research is historical and has a descriptive-analytical nature which is based on the analytical model of SWOT (three major geopolitical criteria of globalization, economic competitiveness and urban diplomacy factors), which after impact scoring as a positive factor for the development of more strengths of the weaknesses is its negative factor. The results show that globalization of the Middle East of some countries such as Istanbul, Abu Dhabi, Cairo, Dubai, and Riyadh, with the understanding of the geopolitical situation of globalization with other powerful cosmopolises (alpha, beta and gamma), are somehow better positioned in the hierarchy of cosmopolis than Tehran itself. In the end, proposals some suggestions have been stated to foster the political-economic relations of Tehran with the countries of the Middle East and Western countries thereby taking advantage of the geopolitics of globalization.
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