Ranking Gas Stations from the Citizenships’ Viewpoints Using the Vikor Model (A Case Study of Eastern Part of Ahvaz Metropolis)
Subject Areas :
reza shooshtari
Abbas Maroofnezhad
1 - M.Sc., geography & urban planning, Mahshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahshahr, Iran
2 - PhD; department of geography & urban planning, Mahshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahshahr, Iran
Keywords: Ranking, Vikor Model, Citizens, gas station, eastern part of Ahvaz,
Abstract :
With the population increase in the cities of Iran, especially in the big cities, the demand for public services has increased too. Also, the need to use cars and, consequently, to create multiple gas stations has been increased more than ever before. Despite the fact that Iran is the second largest natural gas supplier in the world, it has long enjoyed the use and export of gas and diesel as the two most commonly fuel used for vehicles in most countries of the world. Given the difference in production capacity and gas consumption in the country, a large part of this fuel is supplied from abroad, which puts a lot of financial burden on buying, transportation and distribution at fuel terminals of the country's economy. The present study is objective as far as its objective is regarded and the method used in this study is a descriptive-analytical one. Using documentary resources and field surveys, a questionnaire consisting of 11 gas stations located in the eastern part of Ahvaz with seven indicators was designed and the stations were analyzed using the Vikor technique. The results of the study showed that among the stations, the position of gas station with Qi zero was ranked first and the position of the gas station of five companies with Qi 0.931 ranked the 11th or the last one. Therefore, in order to achieve spatial distribution and establish a relative balance in the distribution of services, measures should be taken to strengthen and increase the level of these seven indicators.
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