The spatial reflections of the Iran-Iraq war on the urban network and the hierarchy of the cities of Kermanshah province based on the class-difference limit model
Subject Areas :
tahereh shahbazi
Abbas Malek Hosseini
1 - i, Ph.D. Candidate of Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Malayer Branch
2 - Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Malayer Branch
Received: 2017-07-26
Accepted : 2018-06-10
Published : 2018-08-23
Kermanshah province,
Iran-Iraq War,
class-difference limit model,
Abstract :
in recent years, for many reasons populated urban centers of Iran with severe spatial changes that resulted in the increase in small and medium urban imbalance in the hierarchy of the country were observed. This study examined the hierarchy of urban developments to those in the cities of Kermanshah province during the 1976 to the 2016 war time on the urban network hierarchical province .The method of the present research was quantitative - analysis in which models of deferential class analysis, prime city index, the rank - size, ranking model modification have been used. The results showed that the distribution pattern of urban settlements in Kermanshah province was unbalanced during war which imposed imbalances to all the difference parts. It was found that Kermanshah city due to the performance of various factors have had a strong performance, and had attracted surrounding populations from other provinces, especially in times of war as a city which was predominant caused uneven systems in the city. Therefore, in order to maintain the last balance, a phase of reallocation and redirection of functions to the neighboring cities is recommended.
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