Effect of different environmental conditions on optimal cell density, biomass production, lipid and biodiesel production in Desmodesmus microalgae
Subject Areas : Genetic
Mohammad Niazkhani
Ahmad Mohammadi
Hamid Mashhadi
Fahimeh Mahmoudnia
1 - Department of Bio-system Engineering in Renewable Energy, Arak branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran,
2 - Department of Bio-system Engineering in Renewable Energy, Arak branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran,
3 - Department of Bio-system Engineering in Renewable Energy, Arak branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran,
4 - Scientific member of Shahid Beheshti university, Qom, Iran,
Keywords: Salinity, pH, temperature, biofuel, radiation intensity,
Abstract :
Microalgae are diverse group of simple organisms, which are incorporated in pharmaceutical, cosmic, nutritional and biodiesel productions. The amount of growth in microalgae is affected by physical and chemical conditions of growth environment. In commercial scale in order to achieve highest amount of biomass or biodiesel, it is necessary to use culture media with proper combination of materials. Therefore, in this study, effects of different values of temperature, light intensity, lighting period, saltiness and pH were tested by their effect on cell concentration, biomass, lipid and biodiesel production in desmodesmus microalgae. As a result, the best temperature for increase in cell concentration of microalgae was 25 degree of Celsius, light intensity of 4500 lux, light period of 17 hours, saltiness of 5 ppm and pH of 8. The highest amount of biomass was achieved in light intensity of 3000 lux, 18 hours of lighting, saltiness of 5 ppm and pH of 9. The highest amount of lipid was produced at temperature of 26, light intensity of 4200 lux, lighting period of 16 hours, saltiness of 12 and pH of 9. Finally, the highest amount of biodiesel was produced at temperature of 26, light intensity of 4200, lighting period of 16 hours, saltiness of 11 and pH of 9.
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Afsharbakhsh M., Mohammadi, A., Mashadi, H. and Mahmoudnia, F. (2020). Effect of culture medium temperature and pH on performance of micro algae of Spirolinaplatensis in vertical photobioreactor. System Researches and Agriculture Mechanisation, 21(76): 99-116. (in Persian)
Andersen, R.A. (2005). Algal culturing techniques. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 578 pp.
Chaudhary R., Khattar J.I.S. and Singh D.P. (2017). Growth and lipid production by Desmodesmus subspicatus and potential of lipids for biodiesel production. Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability, 26(3): 58-63.
Dai C., Tao J., Xie F., Dai, Y.J. and Zhao M. (2007). Biodiesel generation oleaginous yeast Rhodotorula glutinis with xylose assimilating capacity. African Journal of Biotechnology, 6(18):2130-2134.
Deniz I. (2020). Determination of growth conditions for Chlorella vulgaris. Mar.sci. Tech. Bull. 9(2): 114-117.
El-Fadaly, H., El-Ahmady, N. and Marvan, E.M. (2009). Single cell oil production by an oleaginous yeast strain in a low cost cultivation medium. Research Journal of Microbiology, 4(8):301-313.
Fabregas J., Domingue A., Regueiro M., Maseda A., and Otero, A. (2000). Optimazation of culture medium for the continuous cultivation of the microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 53 (5): 530- 5.
Hegewald, E. (1997). Taxonomy and phylogeny of Scenedesmaceae Algae. 12:235-246.
Imamogul, E., Sukan, F.V. and Dalay, M.C. (2007). Effect of different culture media and light intensities on growth of Haematococcus pluvialis. Natural Enginrring Science, 3 (1): 05- 09.
Kiaei, E., Soltani, N., Mazaheri Assadi, M., Khavarinegad, R., and Dezfulian, M. (2013). Study of optimal conditions in order to the use of the cyanobacteria Synechococcus sp. ISC106 as a candidate for biodiesel production. Journal of Aquatic Ecology. 2(4): 40-51.
Malek Ahmadi, F., Khavari Nejad, R., Soltani, N., Najafi, F., and Nejad atari, T. (2019). Investigation of physiological properties of green algae in order to use them as biodiesel fuel. Plant Environmental Physiology, 14 (1): 30-46.
Matusiak-Mikulin, K., Tukaj, C. and Tuka, Z. (2007). Relatinships between growth, development and photosynthetic activity during the cell cycle of Desmodesmus armatus (Chlorophyta) in synchronous cultures. European Journal of Phycology, 41(1):38-49
Moreno-Garrido, I. (2008). Microalgae immobilization: Current techniques and uses. Bio resource Technology, 99: 3949-3964.
Meireles, L.C., Catarina, A., Guedes, A.C. and Malcata, F.X. (2003). Lipid class composition of the microalgae Pavlova lutheri: Eicosapentaenoic and Docosahexaenoic acids. Agriculture Food Chemistry, 51: 2237-2241.
Naderi Farsani, M., Meshkini, S. and Manaffar, R. (2013). Investigation of optimal growth and nutritional value of two micro algae Hematococcus and Desmodesmus in different culture media. Journal of microorganism biology, 14: 49-60 (In Persian).
Naderi Farsani, M., Meshkini, S., Manaffar, R. and Banayi, M. (2015). Effects of different level of nitrogen on growth and lipid contents of two species of freshwater micro algae (Desmodesmus cunaetus and Haematococcus sp). Utilization and culture of water organism, 4(1): 15-27.
Najafi, B., Torkian, M., Hejazi, M.A., and Zamzamian, A.A. (2012). Effect of Microalgae Biodiesel on Performance Parameters and Exhaust Emissions from IDI Diesel Engine. Fuel and Combustion. 4(2): 29-42.
Nzayisenga, J., Farge, X., Groll, S.L. and Sellstedt, A. (2020). Effects of light intensity on growth and lipid production in microalgae grown in wastewater. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 13(4):135-147
Ratledge, C. and Cohen, Z. (2008). Microbial and algal oils: Do they have a future for biodiesel or as commodity oils? Technology, 20(7): 155-160
Rostami, S., Ghobadian, B., Savadkouhi, L., and Ebrahimi, R. (2010). Experimental Investigation of Effect of Injection Pressure on Performance of a Diesel Engine Using Blends of Biodiesel and Diesel. The Journal of Engine Research. 21: 73-83.
Sanchez, S., Martinez, E. and Espinola, F. (2000). Biomass production and biochemicalvariability of the marine microalgae Isochrysis galbana in relation to culturemedium. Biochemistry Enginering, 6(1): 13- 18.
Wang, S., Cao, M., Wand, B., Deng, R., Gao, Y. and Liu, P. (2019). Optimization of growth requirement and scale-up cultivation of freshwater algae Desmodesmus armatus using response surface methodology. Aquaculture Research, 50(11): 3313-3325.
Xin, L., Hong-Ying, H., Jia, Y. and Yin-Hu, W. (2010). Enhancement effect of ethyl-2-methyl acetoacetate on triacylglycerols production by a freshwater microalga, Scenedesmus sp. LX1. Bioresource Technology, 101(24): 9819-21.