Investigating of Hydro-geochemical of Groundwater in Shiramin Plain using Artificial Neural Networks
Reza Norouzi
Somayeh Emami
Hamed Shiralizadheh
1 - Tabriz university
2 - Water Engineering Department of Tabriz University
3 - Department of water engineering, Agricultural faculty, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: ANN, Groundwater quality, Wilcox Index, Schuler Index, Shiramin Plain,
Abstract :
Groundwater is one of the most important water resources in arid and semi-arid regions. Increased water consumption due to population growth, has a great impact on quality and quantity of water supply. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of interpolation methods for predicting the spatial distribution of some groundwater quality indices for Shiramin plain. In this study, hydro-geochemical quality of groundwater resources for drinking, agricultural and industry purposes was investigated with the Wilcox and Schoeller Standards in Shiramin plain East Azerbaijan province, Iran. Further in the research, the modeling of quality parameters (TDS), EC and SAR is done with using artificial neural network. According to Schuler and Wilcox groundwater quality index, water was moderately suitable and unsuitable for agriculture and drinking, respectively. The most of the samples were in C3-S1 category. The results are representative of the acceptable performance of ANNs to predict groundwater quality. .