Feasibility Evaluation Model of Strategic Planning in Urban Planning in Iran
Subject Areas :
Gashtaseb Kiani
Korosh Afzali
Keramatollah Zayyari
1 - Departmet of Urban Planning, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
2 - Departmet of Urban Planning, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
3 - Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Strategic Planning, Urban Planning, Implementing Evaluation, Planning Feasibility,
Abstract :
It is important to evaluate the feasibility of urban plans before implementing them. The feasibility of urban plans is one of the major challenges of urban planning in Iran. Urban research shows that "urban development" in the world today goes through complex processes and its main passage goes through the maze of "political economy" and through various ideological approaches. This theory deals with issues of inevitable planning in relation to the power of government, financial resources, and the protection of people or citizens. Because urban planning has been a tool in the hands of the government since the beginning to organize cities with an authoritarian nature, and today, in competition with the private sector, its authority has been reduced day by day. Meanwhile, the people, ie the inhabitants of the cities with the urban society, often observe the domination of capital over the cities, and their protest reaches nowhere. This research has used a descriptive method, an initial survey, and structured interviews with experts in urban development projects to identify feasibility criteria and indicators to assess the feasibility of strategic planning. Political and environmental factors are also in the next ranks with factor loads of 0.93 and 0.88. Therefore, it can be said that the physical factor has had the greatest impact on the feasibility of strategic plans. Also, the economic factor with a factor load of 0.34 had the least impact. The multidimensional feasibility assessment model presented in this study can be used to increase the possibility of implementing existing strategic urban planning in the future and therefore benefits for the generation have a future in Iran.
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C. et.al. (2010). 'Urban development and urban poverty in Malaysia', International Journal of Social
Chakrabartya., B. K. (1998). Urban management and optimising urban development models, Habitat International, Vol. 22, no. 4, pp 503-522.
Cheng, E. W. L. et.al. (2015). Information Priority-setting for better resource allocation using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)', Information Management & Computer Security, Vol. 09, no 2, pp.61-70
Corrie, R. K. (2015). Engineering Management Project evaluating. London. Thomas Telford Ltd.
D.M. (2015). 'A Study of JIT implementation techniques using the analytic hierarchy process model'. Production and inventory Management Journal, Vol.33, no.3, pp. 49-53.
Dadashpoor, H., Hajivandi, N. (2018). Assessing the Realizability of Regional Development Plans in Iran (Case Study: Saveh District Development Plan). , 11(41), 71-92.
De Graaf, & et.al. (2014) 'Applying the lessons of strategic urban planning learned in the developing world to the Netherlands: A case study of three industrial area development projects', Habitat
Education, Vol. 9, no. 1, pp.21-38 Ministry of Health,
Farrel, L. M. (2015). 'Feasibility analysis of artistic and cultural production projects. International Journal of Project Management', Vol 13, no 06, pp.395 - 401.
Filippi, G. A. et.al. (2014). 'Appropriate Time and Costs Estimates for the Building Project Feasibility Analysis',18th CIB World Building Congress, United Kingdom May 2014. 459-467.
Ha, S. (2017). 'Housing social capital and community development in seoul, Cities, Vol 27,pp 535-542
Hara, S. U. (2017). 'Community based urban development: a strategy for improving social sustainability', International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 26, no (10/11), pp.1327 - 1342.
International, Vol. 34, no 4, pp.471-477. Erkip, F. (2000). 'Global transformations versus local dynamics in Istanbul Planning in a fragmented metropolis', Cities, Vol 17, no 5, pp.371-377.
Isaac N. (2016) 'Urban redevelopment in Hong Kong: The partnership experience', International Journal of Public Sector Management, Vol. 11.no 5, pp. 414-420.
Khanna, R. B. (2017). Project Management. New Delhi.PHI Learning (Pvt) Ltd. Lee, G. K. L. et.al. (2015). 'Indicators for evaluating environmental performance of the Hong Kong urban renewal projects', Facilities, vol. 27, no.13,pp. 515-530.
Kwak, Y, Park, Ch, Deal B, (2020) Discerning the Success of Sustainable Planning: A Comparative Analysis of Urban Heat Island Dynamics in Korean New Towns, Journal Pre-proof
Learning, T. et.al. (2002). Project Management. London.
Lee, G. K. L. et.al. (2017). 'Evaluation of the urban renewal projects in social dimensions', Project Management, Vol. 28, no. 04, pp.257-269.
Lehmann, M. et.al. (2018). 'Urban quality development and management: Capacity development and continued education for the sustainable city', International Journal of Sustainability in Higher
Njoh A. J. (2018). 'The role and goals of the state in urban development in Niger', Habitat International, Vol.30, no.3, pp.540-557 Norris,
Nutrition and Welfare,(2012). Sri Lanka Country Report Population Division. Retrieved from www.unescap.org/esid/psis/.../Sri%20Lanka_country_report.doc
O'Hara, S. U.(2019). 'Community based urban development: a strategy for improving social sustainability', International journal of Social, Vol.26, no.10/11, pp. 1327- 1343.
Olewiler, N. (2016). "Environmental sustainability for urban areas: The role of natural Capital indicators', Cities, Vol.23, no.3, pp.184–195
Oprea, A. (2017). 'Practice Briefing The importance of investment Feasibility analysis', Journal of Project Management, Vol.13 no.6, pp.395-401
rezaei, N., Majedi, H., Zarabadi, Z., Zabihi, H. (2018). Explaining the Role of Factors Affecting the Realization of Urban Development Plans (Case Study: Shiraz City). , 9(34), 47-58.
Saaty, T. L. (2014). 'Highlights and critical points in the theory and application of the analytic hierarchy process', European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 74, pp. 426-447.
Salaman, A. & Qureshi, (2016). Indicators of sustainable urban development: A review of urban. in: Donert K et.al, ed. Proceedings of the HERODOT Conference, Turkey 28-31 May 2009. The Herodot Thematic Network,pp. 183-187.
Shen, L., et.al. (2015). "Project feasibility study: the key to successful implementation of sustainable and socially responsible construction management practice', Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 254-259. Siwar.,
Sklenicka, P, Kottová, B, Šálek, M (2020) Success in preserving historic rural landscapes under various policymeasures: Incentives, restrictions or planning? , Environmental Science and Policy, 75, 1-9