Identifying and Prioritizing Components of Service Compensation in Relation to Productivity in State Comprehensive Universities in Iran: A Fuzzy Delphi Approach
Subject Areas : Human resources management)
somayeh ghorbani ouranji
Amir hooshang Nazarpouri
hojjat vahdati
mahmoodreza Esmaeili
1 - PhD Candidate, Department of HRM, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran
2 - Associate Professor. Department of Economics and dministration,Lorestan University,Khorramabad, Iran
3 - Associate Professor. Department of Economics and dministration,Lorestan University,Khorramabad, Iran
4 - Associate Professor. Department of Economics and dministration,Lorestan University,Khorramabad, Iran
Keywords: Productivity, Faculty Members, compensation, public university, Delphi fuzzy,
Abstract :
The purpose of this mixed-methods deductive-inductive research was to identify and prioritize components of service compensation in relation to productivity of faculty staff at state comprehensive universities in Iran using the Fuzzy Delphi Approach. The research population consisted of faculty members from Uremia, Tabriz, Mohaghegh Ardebili, and Zanjan universities out of whom a random sample of 30 were selected based on snowball sampling. Initially, qualitative review of existing exploratory literature and interviews with experts were conducted to identify the components of faculty staff Service Compensation which were further assessed and prioritized through applied research and Fuzzy Delphi approach. The findings from the survey revealed a set of 27 components of Service Compensation, and the Fuzzy Delphi analysis underscored the significant priority of tenure, salary, promotions, work autonomy, pay structure, working conditions in the department, and quality of administration and management.
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_||_Aghababai, Z.; Memarzadeh, G. R., and Nikju A. E. (2014), Factors affecting compensation of specialist in Tehran public hospitals)), Journal of the process of development management, 27(1), 133-157. [In Persian]
Ahmed Azumah, A.; Mohammed, S. and Tetteh, R.. (2017), an empirical study of job satisfaction of university staff, 1-13.
Amey, M. & Vanderlinden, E, K. (2002), Merit pay, market conditions, equity, and faculty compensation, The NEA 2002 Almanac of higher education, 21-32.
Arasteh, H. (2003), Job satisfaction of abroad graduate faculty in Iran, The journal of Journal of research and planning in high education, 9(1), 97-125. [In Persian].
Armestrong, M. (2011), Compensation management, Translate by Seyedj avadin, S, R.; Purvali, B and Jamali Puya, E, Tehran: The publication of Arg, 1-472. [In Persian]
Azar, A. & Faraji, H. (2002), Fuzzy Management Science, Tehran: Publication of Social, 1-308. [In Persian].
Barnett, H., J. Cohen, P. Jeffries, & W. Rosen. (1988), Coping With Merit Pay, Academe 74(6), 19-22.
Berget, Ch. (2007), Wage Differentiation among University Professors, Major Themes in Economics, 25-39.
Bigirimana, S.; Sibanda, E.; and Masengu, R. (2016), The impact of working conditions on academic staff turnover at Africa university, Mutare, Zimbabwe, Asian journal of social sciences and management studies, 3(2), 91-98.
Comm, C., and Mathaisel, D., (2003), A case study of faculty workload and compensation for improving academic quality, International journal of educational management, 17(5), 200-210.
Fairweather, J. (1993), Faculty reward structures: toward institutional and professional homogenization, Research in higher education, 34(5), 603-623.
Fenker, R., (1977), The incentive structure of a university, The Journal of higher education, 48(4), 453-471.
Gharakhani, M. (2014), Policies of faculty welfare in Iran)), Journal of social science, 66, 126-168. [ In Persian]
Gomez-Mejia, L., & D. Balkin, (1992), Determinants of faculty pay: an agency theory perspective, Academy of Management Journal,.35(5), 921-955.
Hanley, P. & Forkenbrock, D., (2006), Making fair and predictable salary adjustments for faculty of public research universities, Research in higher education,47(1), 111-127.
Heneman, H. & Judge, T. A. (2009), Compensation in organizations: current research and Practice, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 61-103.
Heydari, M. & et al., (2016), Defining and designing an effective conceptual model of the compensation system for services in line with general policies of the administrative system)), Journal of Urban management, 48, 477-496. [In Persian]
Herzog, Serge (2008). A Four-Step Faculty Compensation Model: From Equity Analysis to Adjustment, Published online in Wiley InterScience,140,49-64.
Hoyt, D. & Reed, J., (1977), Salary increases and teaching effectiveness, Research in higher education, 7(2), 167-185.
Memarzadeh, Gh,; Nasiripur, A A; and Aghababayi Dehghani, Z. (2012), designing model of compensation for specialist in Tehran public universities, Journal of HRM researches in Emam Houseyn University, 2, 133-151. [In Persian]
Nejabat, E. (2007), productivity and compensation, Journal of Rahbord Yas, .23, 149-164. [In Persian]
Nemati, S. & et al. (2013), Designing a compensation system in knowledge-based organizations with a structural-interpretation modeling approach, Journal of organizational resource management, 2, 131-151. [In Persian]
Noorshahi, N. & Samiee, H., (2011), Evaluating work life of faculty in public university in Iran and provide solutions to improve it, Journal of research and planning institute, 59, 91-114. [In Persian]
Park, T. (2011), Do faculty members get what they deserve?: a review of the literature surrounding the determinants of salary, promotion and tenure, The journal of the professoriate, 6(1), 28-47.
Ruby, M. (2012), The impact of indirect compensation on employee productivity, A thesis submitted to the Institute of Distance Learning, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of commonwealth executive master of business administration.
Sepahvand, R.; Nazarpuri, A. H,; and Esmaeili, M., R. (2017), identify and prioritize components of organizational intangible assets, The journal of human resource management researches of Emam Huseyn University, 9(1), 1-40. [In Persian].
Shaemi, A.; Safari, A,; and Salimian, S. (2015), Determining the effect of satisfaction with financial and non-financial compensation on emotional-mental subordination of employees with the role of mediator of perception of organizational justice, Journal of Management Studies Improvement and Transformation, 78, 17-32. [In Persian]
Sutten, T. and Bergerson, P. (2001), Faculty compensation systems: Impact on the quality of higher education, ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education, Washington, DC. Office of Educational Research and Improvement, 1-106.
Tan, Jeryl Shawn. (2017), Factors Affecting Stress among Faculty Members of Public Universities in the Philippines, International Journal of Psychological Studies; 9(3), 64-78.
Thi Lien, Pham. (2017), Factors affecting lecturer job satisfaction: Case of Vietnam universities)), International journal of academic research in economics and management sciences, 6(2), 138-148.
Watanabe, Megumi and D.Falci, Christina, (2014), A demands and resources approach to understanding faculty turnover intentions due to work-family balance, Journal of family issues, pp. 1-23.
Yamoah, E., E. (2013), Relationship between compensation and employee productivity, Singaporean journal of business economic, and management studies, 2(1), 110-114.