A Comparative Analysis of the Rule of “Indecency of Punishment without Indictment” and the Principle of “Nescience of the law Does Not Absolve Responsibility” in the View of Imamiyeh Jurisprudence
Subject Areas :
Principles of jurisprudence
Hamin GHanbari
mohamad heidary
1 - Assistant Professor of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Law, Shahid Mahallati Higher Education Complex, Qom, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Law, Shahid Mahallati Higher Education Complex, Qom, Iran.
Received: 2019-01-28
Accepted : 2019-07-21
Published : 2021-11-22
Punishment without Indictment,
Nescience of the law,
Absolving Responsibility,
Abstract :
The Rule of “Indecency of Punishment without issuing Indictment” and the Principle of Nescience of the Rule Does Not Absolve Responsibility” are among certain rules and principles in Imamiyeh jurisprudence and penal law. Since the application of this rule as well as its principles seem contradictory, the current research is an attempt to investigate whether the rule and the principles are contradictory or not, and then shed light on the possible relationship between them. Delving into the content of the rule and the principle, and analytical reasoning, it is concluded that unlike the principle which is subject to possible exceptions, the rule is rational and far from submission to any exception. Furthermore, studying the interpretations on the boundaries of issued and not-issued indictment, proving the necessity of instructing necessary laws and regulations, excluding non-penal responsibilities from the inclusion of the rule and analyzing the relationship between the rule and the principle, the result of the current research has shown that in the case of contradiction between them, the rule is preferred over the principles and when it is established that the indictment is not issued, nescience about the rule removes responsibility, save civil responsibilities and non-penal commitments.
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