Pattern of customer relationship management strategies in customer journey with a mixed approach(Case Study: Hypermia Chain Stores)
Subject Areas : sociology
Fatemeh karimvand
Neda Soleymani
mahmood Elmi
1 - PhD Student, Department of Social Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
PhD Student, Department of Social Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Tabriz Branch, Islamic
2 - *Assistant Professor, Department of Social Communication Sciences, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran (Corresponding Author)
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Customer Relationship Management (CRM), profitability, Hierarchical Analysis Process, Improving Financial Status,
Abstract :
Today's organizations need a good understanding of customers and their needs in order to succeed in business. Customer relationship management is an effective tool to obtain, maintain and increase customer satisfaction, as a result of which its implementation will increase customer loyalty to the organization. Stores are organizations that, by the nature of their work, are in great need of customer relationship management processes. In this study, by presenting the optimal model of customer relationship management in hyperemia chain stores with the approach of improving financial status and profitability, the basic and key components have been identified and based on the importance and performance of various CMR components, the optimal program of customer relationship management system has been determined. Is . The results showed that the most important criteria are: 1- Customer orientation 2- Loyalty 3- Needs recognition 4- Mutual understanding 5- Flexibility. The components that achieved the highest score in the indicators are: 1- Providing fast customer service 2- Understanding the needs of key customers through the continuous learning process 3- Existence of accurate customer feedback system and acting on it 4- Flexibility of management and staff for Providing new services 5- Senior managers pay attention to customer relationship management as an essential principle 6- Trying to attract customer loyalty in various ways.
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