Investigation the Effect of the Application of Single and Mixing of Propyzamide and Ethofumesate Herbicides in the Control of Dodder (Cuscuta Campestris), Grass and Broad Leaves Weeds of Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.)
Subject Areas : Journal of Crop Ecophysiology
Sayyed Mahdi Hosseyni
Hossein Najafi
Behzad Sani
Hamid Mozafari
1 - Ph.D. Condinate, Department of Agronomy, Shahre-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Agronomy, Shahre-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Associate Professor, Department of Agronomy, Shahre-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Chlorophyll, chemical control, percentage of germination, Connection to host, Germination ratio, New herbicide,
Abstract :
In order to investigation the effect of the application of single and mixing of propyzamide and ethofumesate herbicides in the control of dodder, grass and broad leaves weeds of sugar beet, three experiment carried out at the greenhouse of sugar beet seed breeding research institute in 2017. The experiments were performed in a completely randomized design with 30, 10 and 9 treatments and four replications, respectively. Result showed that the effect of mixing different doses of Propyzamide and Ethofumesate herbicides and species of different area dodder on all studied traits in the present study was significant 1%. In general, the percentage of final germination (82.7%), daily germination rate (0.18 days) and the percentage of connection of Ardabil dodder to the host plan (82.7%) were higher than Alborz and Qom species. The highest percentage of weed conection of the dodder to the sugar beet was observed in the treat that cultivation distance of 5 cm. Application of Propisamide 2.5 L.ha-1 and Propisamide 1.5 L.ha-1 + Ethofumesate 1 L.ha-1 in connecting the dodder to the host, compared to Ethofumesate could control of dodder weeds (100%) and reduction of fresh and dry weights, density and chlorophyll of thin and broad leaveas weed and increased leaf chlorophyll and yield of sugar beet in green house condition. Therefore, the application of these treatments can be used in the control of parasitic, thin and broad leaves weed of sugar beet and application Propisamide 1.5 L.ha-1 + Ethofumesate 1 L.ha-1 in connecting the dodder to the host, can be considered in addition to the mentioned effects and in reducing the environmental effects of the use of chemical herbicides.
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_||_Ahmadi Moghaddam, P., M.A. Haddad Derafshi, and M. Shayesteh. 2009. Laboratory estimation of sugar beet leaf nitrogen status by color image processing. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture Science.19 (1): 189-200. (In Persian).
Amani Machiani, M., A. Javanmard, M.A. Morshedloo, and F. Maggi. 2018. Evaluation of yield, essential oil content and compositions of peppermint (Mentha piperita) intercropped with fababean (Vicia faba L.). Journal of Cleaner Production. 171: 529-537.
Amirmoradi, S., M.P. Rezvani, and M. Abdollahian Noghabi. 2010. Effect of dodder on yield quality characteristics of sugar beet in Chenaran conditions. Iranian Journal of Field Crop Research. 8: 965-974. (In Persian)
2009. International rules for seed testing (ISTA). Seed Science and Technology. 27: 50-52.
2019. FAO. Production statistics, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
Benvenuti, S., G. Dinelli, and A. Bonetti Catizone. 2005. Germination ecology, emergence and host detection in field dodder (Cuscuta campestris). Weed Research. 45: 270-278.
Chauhan, B.S., and D.E. Johnson. 2008. Seed germination and seedling emergence of giant sensitive plant (Minosa invisa). Weed Science. 56: 244- 248.
Chitband, A.A., R. Ghorbani, M.A. Rashed Mohasse, M. Abbaspoor, and R. Abbasi. 2015. Reduced dose of PSII + fatty acid inhibitors herbicides and clopyralid mixtures and their chlorophyll fluorescence evaluation to control important broadleaf weeds in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris ). Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Ph.D. Thesis. (In Persian).
Cioni, F., and G. Maines. 2011. Weed control in sugar beet. Sugar Beet Technology. 12 (3): 243- 255.
Hunter, E.A., C.A. Glasbey, and R.A.L. Naylor. 1984. The analysis of data from germination test. Journal of Agriculture Science, Cambridge. 102: 207-213.
Ibraheem, M., M. Aliyas, M. Ahmeed, and Y. Ali. 2014. Germination response of dodder seed with some agricultural crops seeds in laboratory condition. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications. 4(6.): 56-64.
Jafarzadeh, N., H. Hadi, A. Pirzad, M.A. Bagestani, and R. Maleki. 2016. Effect of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris) on some physiological and yield traits of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). Iranian Journal of Weed Research. 11: 105-115. (In Persian).
Kavurmaci, Z., U. Karadavut, K. Kokten, and A. Bakoglu, 2010. Determination critical period of weed-crop competition in fababean (Vicia Faba L). International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 12(2): 318-320.
Kaya, R., and S. Buzluk. 2006. Integrated weed control in sugar beet through combinations of tractor hoeing and reduced dosages of an herbicide mixture. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 30: 137-144.
Krsmanovic, M., D. Bozic, D. Pavlovic, L. Radivojevic, and S. Vrbnicanin. 2013. Temperature effects on Cuscuta campestris seed germination. Pesticphtyomed. 28(3): 187-193.
Meighani, F., N. Nezamabadi, M.R. Karaminejad, and N. Jafarzadeh. 2016. Investigation efficacy of new herbicides to control dodder in sugar beet fields. Iranian Society of Weed Science. 12: 199-209. (In Persian)
Najafi, H., M. Bazoobandi, and N. Jafarzadeh. 2014. Evaluation of efficacy values in herbicide various components on broadleaf weeds control of sugar beet. Weed Research Journal. 2(1): 43-53. (In Persian).
Noushad, C., R. Mohammadian, and Q. Khaymim. 2017. Effect of different levels of potassium and nitrogen on quantitative and qualitative yield of sugar beet in drought stress conditions. Sugar Beet Journal. 32 (1): 49-37. (In Persian).
Press, M.C., and G.K. Phoenix. 2005. Impacts of parasitic plants on natural communities. New Phytolo. 166:737-751.
Tang, D.S., M. Hamayun, Y.M. Ko, Y.P. Zhang, S.M. Kang, and I.J. Lee. 2008. Role of red light Temperature, stratification and nitrogen in breaking seed dormancy of Chenopodium album Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology. 11: 199-204.
Tomlin, C.D.S. 2003. The pesticide manual. Thirteen Editions. 375 p.
Toth, P., J.J. Tancik, and L. Cagan. 2006. Distribution and harmfulness of field dodder (Cuscuta Campestris Yuncker) at sugar beet fields in Slovakia. Weed Science. 110: 179-185.
Wilkinson, R.E. 1971. Research methods in weed science. South Weed Science. 40 pp.
Yousefabadi, A., M.T. Alebrahim, A. Toubeh, A. Zand, and M. Abdolahian Noughabi. 2015. Evaluation of germination and seed dormancy characteristics in different species of dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yuncker). Sixth Iranian Weed Science Conference, Birjand. 43-47. (In Persian).
Zand, E., K. Moosavi, and A. Heidari. 2015. Herbicides and their application methods. Mashhad Jahad Press. pp.567. (In Persian).
Zand, E., M.A. Baghestani, N. Nezamabadi, and P. Shimi. 2012. Important weeds and herbicide of Iran. Jahade Daneshgahi Mashad, 176 pp. (In Persian).
Ziaeyan, A.A., N. Niromand, and H. Noshad. 2011. Sugar beet response to the application of slow-release nitrogen fertilizers. Sugar Beet Journal. 27 (1):85-99.