Evaluation of Growth Indices and Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Forage Amaranth in Comparison with Forage Millet
Subject Areas : Journal of Crop Ecophysiology
Naser Zareh
Bahram Amiri
Hamid Reza Miri
Omid Alizadeh
Reza Hamidi
1 - Ph.D. Student, Department of Agronomy, Firoozabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Firoozabad, Iran
2 - Department of Natural Resources, Firoozabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Firoozabad, Iran
3 - Department of Agronomy, Arsenjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsenjan, Iran
4 - Department of Agronomy, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
5 - Department of Agronomy, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
Keywords: Irrigation Cycle, Potassium, Amaranth, Millet,
Abstract :
Drought is one of the major factors limiting productivity in agriculture and nutrition management, including the use of potash fertilizers, plays an important role in plant resistance to drought. In order to evaluate the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of forage amaranth in comparison with forage millet, a split factorial experiment was designed and conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications in 2016 and 2017 in Saadatshahr region of Fars province. In this experiment, three irrigation intervals (5, 10 and 15 days) were used as the main factor, potassium fertilizer (50, 100 and 150 kg.ha-1) and forage plants (amaranth and millet) as sub-plots. The results of mean comparison of two-year combined analysis showed that amaranth had significantly more height, stem diameter, inflorescence length, number of leaves per plant, dry forage yield, ash percentage, crude protein and carbohydrate content than millet. Increasing the irrigation interval reduced the height, stem diameter, inflorescence length, number of leaves per plant, 1000-seed weight, percentage of crude fiber, dry matter yield, ash percentage, and soluble carbohydrates. By increasing potassium fertilizer level, plant height, stem diameter, inflorescence length, number of leaves per plant, percentage of crude fiber, dry forage yield, ash percentage, crude protein percentage, ADF percentage and NDF percentage in the plant decreased. In general, it can be concluded that amaranth plant has higher yield and drought tolerance than millet and the application of 150 kg.ha-1 of potassium fertilizer can be recommended to achieve higher yield.
Ali, M., J. Bakht, and G. Khan. 2014. Effect of water deficiency and potassium application on plant growth, osmolytes and grain yield of Brassica napus Acta Botany. Croat. 73(2): 299–314. doi:10.22069/ejcp.2018.12928.2005
Arzani, H., M. Basiri, F. Khatibi, and G. Ghorbani. 2006. Nutritive value of some Zagros mountain rangeland species. Small Ruminant Research. 65: 128-135.
Aslam, M., M.S.I. Zamir, I. Afzal, and M. Amin. 2014. Role of potassium in physiological functions of spring maize (Zea mays) grown under drought stress. Journal of Animal and Plant Science. 24(5): 1452-1465.
Avanza, M.V., M.C. Puppo, and M.C. Anon. 2005. Rheological characterization of amaranth protein gels. Food Hydrocolloids. 19: 889–898. doi:1016/j. foodhyd.2004.12.002
Azizabadi, E., A. Golchin, and M.A. Delavar. 2014. Effects of potassium and drought stress on growth indices and nutrients contents in safflower leaves. Greenhouse Culture Science and Technology. 5: 65-79. doi: 1001.1.20089082.1393. (In Persian).
Buxton, D.R. 1996. Quality related characteristics of forage as influenced by plant environment and agronomic factors. Animal Feed Science Technology. 53: 37-49.
Cakmak, I. 2005. The role of potassium in alleviating detrimental effects of abiotic stresses in plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 168: 521-530. doi:10.1002/ jpln.200420485
Condes, M.C., A.A. Scilingo, and M.C. Anon. 2009. Characterization of amaranth proteins modified by trypsin proteolysis. Structural and functional changes. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 42: 963–970. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2008.12.008
Doberman, A. 2004. Crop potassium nutrition implications for fertilizer recommendations. Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. pp. 1-12.
Farahmandfar, M., P. Sharifi, and M.N. Safarzadeh Vishkaei. 2018. The effect of different amounts of potassium fertilizer on some quantitative and qualitative traits of forage corn (Zea mays) in different irrigation regimes. Journal of Crop Production. 11(1): 127-140. (In Persian).
Fouger, Z. K., and M.J. Malakouti. 2001. Optimal effect of fertilizer on increasing tomato yield. First edition of Tehran Agricultural Education 155pp. (In Persian).
Frootan, A., and M. Yarnia. 2015. Effects of soil and foliar applications of potassium sulfate on yield and yield components of maize SC. 704 under different irrigations levels in Iran. Advances in Environmental Biology. 9(4): 382-388.
Ghanbari, M., A. Mokhtassi-Bidgoli, K. Mansour, and P. Talebi. 2021. The study of physiological and biochemical characteristics of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) in response to bio-fertilizers and different irrigation regimes. Agricultural Science and Sustainable Production. 25 (1): 87-98. (In Persian).
Ghodsi, M., M.R. Jalai Kamali, M.R. Chaichi, and D. Mazaheri. 2003. Dry matter accumulation and remobilization in bread wheat cultivars under water stress during pre-and post-anthesis stages in field conditions. Iranian Journal of Field Crop Research. 1: 205-216. (In Persian).
Gomes-Sanchez, D., G.P. Vannozzi, M. Baldini, S. Tahamasebi Enferadi, and G. Dell Vedove. 2000. Effect of soil water availability in sunflower lines derived from interspecific crosses. Italian Journal of Agronomy. 371-387.
Hansen, H., and K. Grossmann. 2000. Auxin-induced ethylene triggers abscisic acid biosynthesis and growth inhibition. Plant Physiol 124: 1437-1448.
Heidari Sharif Abad, H., 2004. Plant and nutrients. Payam Noor University Press. (In Persian).
Heidari, M., and M.R. Asgharipour. 2013. Effect of different levels of potassium sulfate on yield and yield components of grain sorghum under drought stress. Iranian Journal of Crop Research. 10(2): 381-374. (In Persian).
Karami, S., H. Hadi, S.M. Tajbakhsh, and S. Modaress. 2018. Effect of different levels of nitrogen and zeolite on chlorophyll content, quantity and quality of Amaranth forage under deficit irrigation stress. Journal of Crops Improvement. (In Persian).
Karimi, M., M. Esfahani, M.H. Biglouei, B. Rabiee, and A. Kafi Gasemi. 2009. Effect of deficit irrigation treatments on morphological traits and growth indices of corn forage in the Rasht Climate. Electronic Journal of Crop Production. 2 (2): 91-109. (In Persian).
Krishna, S.S., N. Reddy, and R.L. Ravi Kumar. 2021. Assessment of traits for grain yield under drought in finger millet. Oecologia. 24 (1). 212-224.
Lemon, J. 2007. Nitrogen management for wheat protein and yield in the Sperance port zone. Department of Agriculture and Food Publisher, 25 pp.
Majlesy, A., and E. Gholinezhad. 2013. Phenotype and quality variation of forage maize (Zea mays) with potassium and micronutrient application under drought stress conditions. Field Crop Research. 1(2): 44-55.
Malek-Mohammadi, M., A. Maleki, S.A. Siaddat, and M. Beigzade. 2013. The effect of zinc and potassium on the quality yield of wheat under drought stress conditions. International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Science. 6(16): 1164-1170.
Mlakar, S.G., M. Bavec, M. Jakop, and F. Bavec. 2000. Productivity of grain amaranth a. cruentus 'g6' as affected by drought occuring at different growth stages. 5th International Symposium of the European Amaranth Association. Nitra, November 9-14. Slovak
Mohd Zaina, N.A., and I. Mohd Razi. 2016. Effects of potassium rates and types on growth, leaf gas exchange and biochemical changes in rice (Oryza sativa) planted under cyclic water Agricultural Water Management. 164: 83–90.
Nam, N.H., Y.S. Chauhan, and C. Johansen. 2001. Effect of timing of drought stress on growth and grain yield of extra-short-duration pigeonpea lines. Journal of Agricultural Science. 136(2): 179-189.
Niabat, J., and P. Rezvani moghadam. 2010. Effect of irrigation intervals on the yield and morphological characteristics of forage millet, sorghum and corn. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Science. 41: 179-186. (In Persian).
Noroozi, H., H. Roshanfekr, P. Hassibi, and M. Mesgar bashi. 2015. Effect of irrigation water salinity on yield and quality of two forage millet varieties. Journal of Water Research in Agriculture. 28(3): 560-552 . (In Persian).
Orji, A. 2003. Effect of drought stress on physiological, morphological and biochemical characteristics of some olive cultivars. Ph.D Thesis. University of Teacher training, Tehran. 148 pp. (In Persian).
Piri, H., H. Ansari, and M. Parsa. 2018. The interaction effect of salinity, drought and harvesting dates on yield, quality and efficiency of forage sorghum in subsurface drip irrigation (Case Study: Sistan Plain). Irrigation Sciences and Engineering. 41(1): 99-114.
Rajendra, H., M. Devaraja, and G. Subash. 2006. Effect of stage of harvesting of seed crop, nitrogen and phosphorus level of the forage yield and ratoon ability if forage pearl millet. Indian Journal of Agriculture Research. 40(3): 232 – 234.
Reddy, N., N. PriyaReddyb, V. Ramyaa, L.S. Sumaa, A.B. NarayanaReddyc, and S. Sanjeev Krishn. 2021. Millets and pseudo cereals. Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition. 144-158.
Safari, J., D.E. Mushi, G.C. Kifaro, L.A. Mtenga, and L.O. Eik. 2011. Seasonal variation in chemical composition of native forages, grazing behavior and some blood metabolites of Small East African goats in a semi-arid area of Tanzania. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 164: 62–70.
Sarshad, A., D. Talaei, M. Torabi, F. Rafiei, and P. Nejatkhah. 2021. Morphological and biochemical responses of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench under drought stress. Applied Science. 3: 81: 270-282.
Tabatabaei, S.J. 2009. Principles of plant nutrition. First edition. Tabriz University Press. 280 pp. (In Persian).
Traore, S.B., R.E. Carlson, C.D. Pilcher, and M.E. Rice. 2000. Bt and Non-Bt maize growth and development as affected by temperature and drought stress. Agronomy Journal. 92(1):1027–1035.
van Soest, P.J. 1987. Nutritional ecology of the ruminant. Cornell University U.S.A. 373p.
Yarnia, M., M.B. Khorshidi Benam, E. Farajzadeh Memari Tabrizi, N. Nobari, and V. Ahmadzadeh. 2011. Effect of planting dates and density in drought stress condition on yield and yield components of amaranth cv. koniz. Advances in Environmental Biology. 5(6): 1139-1149.
Zhang, L., M. Gao, S. Li, A.K. Alva, and M. Ashraf. 2014. Potassium fertilization mitigates the adverse effects of drought on selected Zea mays cultivars. Turkish Journal of Botany. 38: 713-723. doi: 10.3906/bot-1308-47
_||_Ali, M., J. Bakht, and G. Khan. 2014. Effect of water deficiency and potassium application on plant growth, osmolytes and grain yield of Brassica napus Acta Botany. Croat. 73(2): 299–314. doi:10.22069/ejcp.2018.12928.2005
Arzani, H., M. Basiri, F. Khatibi, and G. Ghorbani. 2006. Nutritive value of some Zagros mountain rangeland species. Small Ruminant Research. 65: 128-135.
Aslam, M., M.S.I. Zamir, I. Afzal, and M. Amin. 2014. Role of potassium in physiological functions of spring maize (Zea mays) grown under drought stress. Journal of Animal and Plant Science. 24(5): 1452-1465.
Avanza, M.V., M.C. Puppo, and M.C. Anon. 2005. Rheological characterization of amaranth protein gels. Food Hydrocolloids. 19: 889–898. doi:1016/j. foodhyd.2004.12.002
Azizabadi, E., A. Golchin, and M.A. Delavar. 2014. Effects of potassium and drought stress on growth indices and nutrients contents in safflower leaves. Greenhouse Culture Science and Technology. 5: 65-79. doi: 1001.1.20089082.1393. (In Persian).
Buxton, D.R. 1996. Quality related characteristics of forage as influenced by plant environment and agronomic factors. Animal Feed Science Technology. 53: 37-49.
Cakmak, I. 2005. The role of potassium in alleviating detrimental effects of abiotic stresses in plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 168: 521-530. doi:10.1002/ jpln.200420485
Condes, M.C., A.A. Scilingo, and M.C. Anon. 2009. Characterization of amaranth proteins modified by trypsin proteolysis. Structural and functional changes. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 42: 963–970. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2008.12.008
Doberman, A. 2004. Crop potassium nutrition implications for fertilizer recommendations. Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. pp. 1-12.
Farahmandfar, M., P. Sharifi, and M.N. Safarzadeh Vishkaei. 2018. The effect of different amounts of potassium fertilizer on some quantitative and qualitative traits of forage corn (Zea mays) in different irrigation regimes. Journal of Crop Production. 11(1): 127-140. (In Persian).
Fouger, Z. K., and M.J. Malakouti. 2001. Optimal effect of fertilizer on increasing tomato yield. First edition of Tehran Agricultural Education 155pp. (In Persian).
Frootan, A., and M. Yarnia. 2015. Effects of soil and foliar applications of potassium sulfate on yield and yield components of maize SC. 704 under different irrigations levels in Iran. Advances in Environmental Biology. 9(4): 382-388.
Ghanbari, M., A. Mokhtassi-Bidgoli, K. Mansour, and P. Talebi. 2021. The study of physiological and biochemical characteristics of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) in response to bio-fertilizers and different irrigation regimes. Agricultural Science and Sustainable Production. 25 (1): 87-98. (In Persian).
Ghodsi, M., M.R. Jalai Kamali, M.R. Chaichi, and D. Mazaheri. 2003. Dry matter accumulation and remobilization in bread wheat cultivars under water stress during pre-and post-anthesis stages in field conditions. Iranian Journal of Field Crop Research. 1: 205-216. (In Persian).
Gomes-Sanchez, D., G.P. Vannozzi, M. Baldini, S. Tahamasebi Enferadi, and G. Dell Vedove. 2000. Effect of soil water availability in sunflower lines derived from interspecific crosses. Italian Journal of Agronomy. 371-387.
Hansen, H., and K. Grossmann. 2000. Auxin-induced ethylene triggers abscisic acid biosynthesis and growth inhibition. Plant Physiol 124: 1437-1448.
Heidari Sharif Abad, H., 2004. Plant and nutrients. Payam Noor University Press. (In Persian).
Heidari, M., and M.R. Asgharipour. 2013. Effect of different levels of potassium sulfate on yield and yield components of grain sorghum under drought stress. Iranian Journal of Crop Research. 10(2): 381-374. (In Persian).
Karami, S., H. Hadi, S.M. Tajbakhsh, and S. Modaress. 2018. Effect of different levels of nitrogen and zeolite on chlorophyll content, quantity and quality of Amaranth forage under deficit irrigation stress. Journal of Crops Improvement. (In Persian).
Karimi, M., M. Esfahani, M.H. Biglouei, B. Rabiee, and A. Kafi Gasemi. 2009. Effect of deficit irrigation treatments on morphological traits and growth indices of corn forage in the Rasht Climate. Electronic Journal of Crop Production. 2 (2): 91-109. (In Persian).
Krishna, S.S., N. Reddy, and R.L. Ravi Kumar. 2021. Assessment of traits for grain yield under drought in finger millet. Oecologia. 24 (1). 212-224.
Lemon, J. 2007. Nitrogen management for wheat protein and yield in the Sperance port zone. Department of Agriculture and Food Publisher, 25 pp.
Majlesy, A., and E. Gholinezhad. 2013. Phenotype and quality variation of forage maize (Zea mays) with potassium and micronutrient application under drought stress conditions. Field Crop Research. 1(2): 44-55.
Malek-Mohammadi, M., A. Maleki, S.A. Siaddat, and M. Beigzade. 2013. The effect of zinc and potassium on the quality yield of wheat under drought stress conditions. International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Science. 6(16): 1164-1170.
Mlakar, S.G., M. Bavec, M. Jakop, and F. Bavec. 2000. Productivity of grain amaranth a. cruentus 'g6' as affected by drought occuring at different growth stages. 5th International Symposium of the European Amaranth Association. Nitra, November 9-14. Slovak
Mohd Zaina, N.A., and I. Mohd Razi. 2016. Effects of potassium rates and types on growth, leaf gas exchange and biochemical changes in rice (Oryza sativa) planted under cyclic water Agricultural Water Management. 164: 83–90.
Nam, N.H., Y.S. Chauhan, and C. Johansen. 2001. Effect of timing of drought stress on growth and grain yield of extra-short-duration pigeonpea lines. Journal of Agricultural Science. 136(2): 179-189.
Niabat, J., and P. Rezvani moghadam. 2010. Effect of irrigation intervals on the yield and morphological characteristics of forage millet, sorghum and corn. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Science. 41: 179-186. (In Persian).
Noroozi, H., H. Roshanfekr, P. Hassibi, and M. Mesgar bashi. 2015. Effect of irrigation water salinity on yield and quality of two forage millet varieties. Journal of Water Research in Agriculture. 28(3): 560-552 . (In Persian).
Orji, A. 2003. Effect of drought stress on physiological, morphological and biochemical characteristics of some olive cultivars. Ph.D Thesis. University of Teacher training, Tehran. 148 pp. (In Persian).
Piri, H., H. Ansari, and M. Parsa. 2018. The interaction effect of salinity, drought and harvesting dates on yield, quality and efficiency of forage sorghum in subsurface drip irrigation (Case Study: Sistan Plain). Irrigation Sciences and Engineering. 41(1): 99-114.
Rajendra, H., M. Devaraja, and G. Subash. 2006. Effect of stage of harvesting of seed crop, nitrogen and phosphorus level of the forage yield and ratoon ability if forage pearl millet. Indian Journal of Agriculture Research. 40(3): 232 – 234.
Reddy, N., N. PriyaReddyb, V. Ramyaa, L.S. Sumaa, A.B. NarayanaReddyc, and S. Sanjeev Krishn. 2021. Millets and pseudo cereals. Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition. 144-158.
Safari, J., D.E. Mushi, G.C. Kifaro, L.A. Mtenga, and L.O. Eik. 2011. Seasonal variation in chemical composition of native forages, grazing behavior and some blood metabolites of Small East African goats in a semi-arid area of Tanzania. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 164: 62–70.
Sarshad, A., D. Talaei, M. Torabi, F. Rafiei, and P. Nejatkhah. 2021. Morphological and biochemical responses of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench under drought stress. Applied Science. 3: 81: 270-282.
Tabatabaei, S.J. 2009. Principles of plant nutrition. First edition. Tabriz University Press. 280 pp. (In Persian).
Traore, S.B., R.E. Carlson, C.D. Pilcher, and M.E. Rice. 2000. Bt and Non-Bt maize growth and development as affected by temperature and drought stress. Agronomy Journal. 92(1):1027–1035.
van Soest, P.J. 1987. Nutritional ecology of the ruminant. Cornell University U.S.A. 373p.
Yarnia, M., M.B. Khorshidi Benam, E. Farajzadeh Memari Tabrizi, N. Nobari, and V. Ahmadzadeh. 2011. Effect of planting dates and density in drought stress condition on yield and yield components of amaranth cv. koniz. Advances in Environmental Biology. 5(6): 1139-1149.
Zhang, L., M. Gao, S. Li, A.K. Alva, and M. Ashraf. 2014. Potassium fertilization mitigates the adverse effects of drought on selected Zea mays cultivars. Turkish Journal of Botany. 38: 713-723. doi: 10.3906/bot-1308-47