A comparative study of women's political empowerment in South Caucasus countries from 2006-2021 by a new global Index.
Subject Areas : Woman and family
Mohammad Shohratifar
Nader Bohlooli
Mojtaba Ramazani
Hosein Emari
1 - PhD Student in Public Administration, Comparative Orientation and Development, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Islamic Azad University, Bonab Branch, Bonab, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran.
Keywords: political development, democracy, gender equality, Women', s political empowerment, V-DEM index,
Abstract :
A comparative study of women's political empowerment in South Caucasus countries from 2006-2021 by a new global Index.Political empowerment of women is a social process for the development and progress of societies and is increasingly recognized as vital to modern governments. Researchers and scholars alike see inextricable links between women's political empowerment and its outcomes for women, children, and society as a whole. In this article, a qualitative method with a comparative approach was used. This comparative study Has used descriptive-analytical method and the documentary method. The first step is the description of the studied phenomenon, which is represented in documentary studies, and the second step is the process of comparing and matching and extracting differences and similarities. The findings show the movement of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of women's political empowerment, this country has maintained its status unchanged in this field from 2006 to 2021, although there has been no significant growth, but no significant decrease is observed either. The country of Armenia has started its growing process since 2006 and in 2020, despite the internal political crises and defeat in the Karabakh war, it has managed to leave Georgia behind.
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Hanmer, L., & Klugman, J. (2016). Exploring Women's Agency and Empowerment in Developing Countries: Where do we stand? Feminist Economics, 22(1), 237-263. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1080/13545701.2015.1091087
Mosedale, S. (2014). WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT AS A DEVELOPMENT GOAL: TAKING A FEMINIST STANDPOINT. International Development, 26(8), 1115-1125. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1002/jid.3050
Pemstein, D., Tzelgov, E., & Wang, Y.-t. (2021). Evaluating and Improving Item Response Theory Models for Cross-National Expert Surveys. Gothenburg: Varieties of Democracy Institute.
Soraya, J. (2010, Novamber). South Caucasia Regional Integration: Obstacles and Challenges from the viewpoint of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Research letter of international relations, 3(12), 169-198. Retrieved from http://prb.iauctb.ac.ir/article_524294.html?lang=en
Alexander, A. C., Bolzendahl, C., & Jalalzai, F. (2016). Defining Women's Global Political Empowerment: Theories and Evidence. Sociology Compass, 10(6), 432-441. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1111/soc4.12375
Arvate, P., SergioFirpo, S., & Pieri, R. (2020). Can women's performance in elections determine the engagement of adolescent girls in politics? European Journal of Political Economy, 70, 175-201. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2021.102045
Ataii, f., & Zangeneh, s. (2021). Socio-Political Empowerment of Women in the South. Central Eurasia Studies, Faculty of Law and Political Science, 14(1), 203-228.
Awoa, P. (2022). Women's political empowerment and natural resource curse in developing countries. Resources Policy, 75, 142-165. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2021.102442
azerbaijan.mfa.gov. (2021). Retrieved from azerbaijan.mfa.gov: https://azerbaijan.mfa.gov.ir/
Craven, N. M. (2000). Women and human development : the capabilities approach. New York: Cambridge.
Dahlum, S., Knutsen, C. H., & Mechkova, V. (2022). Women’s political empowerment and economic growth. World Development, 156, 200-219. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2022.105822
Fathi, Y., & Nabilrahimi, N. (2021). The role of electoral systems in women's parliamentary participation (comparative study: Afghanistan and Iran). Bi-quarterly journal of comparative law, 1(8), 283-308.
georgia.mfa.gov. (2021). Retrieved from georgia.mfa.gov: https://georgia.mfa.gov.ir/portal/GeneralCategoryServices/6559
Ghosh, S. (2022). Political empowerment of women and financial inclusion: Is there a link? Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 5(1), 50-75. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssaho.2022.100267
Islamic Republic of Iran Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (2021). Retrieved from Ministry of Foreign Affairs: https://armenia.mfa.gov.ir/portal/GeneralCategoryServices/6592
Khosravi, M., Deshayar, H., & Abtahi, S. (2011). How to empower women in the field of political decision-making in the structure of national and international decision-making. Scientific Quarterly Journal of International Relations Studies, 20(5), 99-132. Retrieved from http://prb.iauctb.ac.ir/article_524304.html
Nazari, M., Hoseini, A., Emamjomeh, S., & Porranjbar, M. (2014). Investigating the relationship between socialization and political participation of women. Women's Journal, 9(1), 161-185.
Sundstrom, A., Paxton, P., Wang, Y.-T., & Lindberg, S. I. (2017). Women’s Political Empowerment: A New Global Index, 1900–2012. World Development, 94, 321-335. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2017.01.016
Tsjeng, Z. (2018). Forgotten women: The scientists. london: Hachette UK.
(2021). Varities of democracy. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg, V-Dem Institute.