Causal Relationships of Personality Factors to Emotional Divorce:The Mediating Role of Couple Burnout
Subject Areas : Woman and family
Mohammadreza Payam
Majed Mahmoud Aliluo
Marziyeh. Alivandi Vafa.
1 - Ph.D. candidate in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Psychology, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran. (Corresponding Author)
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Personality factors, emotional divorce, Couple Burnout,
Abstract :
Personality traits are considered as effective factors in the occurrence or persistence of emotional divorce and couple burnout. Therefore, the aim of this study is to model the structural model of emotional divorce based on personality traits mediated by couple burnout. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of research method. The statistical population of this study includes all divorce applicants in Tabriz metropolis. A total of 250 people were selected by purposive sampling method and Guttman's emotional divorce scale, personality factor questionnaire and couple burnout scale were administered to them. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling in SPSS software version 24 and LISREL version 8.80. The results showed that the dimension of extraversion had a significant negative relationship with emotional divorce and the dimension of neuroticism, openness to experience and conscientiousness had a significant positive relationship with emotional divorce, but the dimension of agreeableness had no significant relationship with emotional divorce. On the other hand, the dimension of neuroticism has a significant positive relationship with couple burnout and the dimension of openness to experience and agreeableness with couple burnout has a significant negative relationship, but the dimension of extraversion and conscientiousness has no significant relationship with couple burnout (P <0.01). The results of structural equation model showed that personality traits have an effective role on emotional divorce and couple burnout (P <0.01). The results of the structural equation model showed an acceptable model. Due to the increase in emotional divorce, a program can be developed to help direct or correct pathological personality traits before the formation and stabilization of these traits.
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Hajiani E, Haghighatian M, Keshavarz H, Yazdani A. An Analysis of Quality of Life among Emotional Divorced Women (Case Study: Shahrekord). The Socio Cultural Strategy Journal. 2013 [cited 2022June23];2(6):159-185 [In Persian]
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Jarvis MO. The long term role of Newlywed concientiousness and religousness in marriage. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. University of Texas at Austin; 2006
Khademi A, Valipour M, Moradzadeh Khorasani L, Neishabouri S. Relationship between personality traits and marital satisfaction and its components among the married couples. Journal of Applied Psychology 2015; 4(32): 95-109 [In Persian]
Khosh Konesh A. Investigating the simple and multiple relationships of personality-cognitive and religious backgrounds with the feeling of happiness and the relationship between this variable and mental health and academic performance of students of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz; 2007 [In Persian]
Kiamehr J. Standardization of the Abridged Form of NEO.FFI and Validation of the Factor Structure of the Five Factor Inventory (Confirmatory Analysis) among Students of Faculty of Humanities. Allameh Tabataba'i University; 2002 [In Persian].
Loehlin JC. Latent variable models: An introduction to factor, path, and structural equation analysis. Psychology Press; 2004.
Mami Sh, Asghari M. The role of self-differentiation and attachment styles in predicting emotional divorce. Regional Conference on Divorce Pathology, Islamic Azad University, Saqez Branch; 2014 [In Persian]
McCrae RR, Costa PT. Validation of the five-factor model of personality across instruments and observers.
Mead N. Personality predictors of relationship satisfaction among engaged and married couples :An analysis of actor and partner effects. Master of Science. Marriage Family and Human Development school of Family Life; 2005
Nasohian M. A comparative study of personality traits and attachment styles of couples at risk of divorce and normal couples in Isfahan. Master Thesis of Allameh Tabatabai University; 2012 [In Persian]
Navidi F. Investigating and comparing the relationship between marital boredom and organizational climate factors in the staff of education departments and nurses of Tehran hospitals in 2005. Ministry of Science, Research and Technology - Shahid Beheshti University; 2005 [In Persian]
Omidvari Y, Jokar Kamal Abadi, M, Pakizeh A. Comparison of personality traits in divorced and normal couples. International Conference on Psychology and Culture of Life; 2015 [In Persian]
Pines AM. Teacher Burnout: A Psychodynamic Existential Perspective. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. 2002; 8: 121- 40.
Pines AM. What can we do so that dream love does not lead to boredom? Translated by Fatemeh Shadab. Quds Press; 2002 [In Persian]
Sabz Chamani S. Aimed to predict marital burnout based on thinking styles and personality traits in married students of Roudehen Azad University during the academic. JNIP. 2020; 4 (8) :1-11 [In Persian]
Shakerian A, Fatemi A, Farhadian M. A survey on relationship between personality characteristics and marital satisfaction. SJKU. 2011; 16 (1) :92-99 [In Persian]
Spangler WD, Palrecha R. The relative contributions of extraversion, neuroticism, and personal strivings to happiness. Personality and Individual Differences. 2004 Oct 1;37(6):1193-203.
Trull TJ, Widiger TA. Dimensional models of personality: the five-factor model and the DSM-5. Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2013;15(2):135-146.
Watson D, Hubbard B, Wiese D. General traits of personality and affectivity as predictors of satisfaction in intimate relationships: evidence from self- and partner-ratings. J Pers. 2000;68(3):413-449.
Yang SX, Jowett S, Chan DK. Effects of big-five personality traits on the quality of relationship and satisfaction in Chinese coach-athlete dyads. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2015 Aug;25(4):568-80.