Designing and Building of E-Learning Applications For SMK Negeri 1 Gunung Talang
Subject Areas : Design of Experiment
Asrul Huda
Suci Rahmadani
Dedy Irfan
Bayu Fajri
Murni Sukmawati
Noper Ardi
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Keywords: application, flipped classroom, Moodle, SMK N 1 Guntal,
Abstract :
In this research, the design and manufacture of an e-learning learning system application at SMK N 1 Guntal was carried out using Moodle (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment), a software developed for internet and web-based learning activities that can create and manage courses, check student attendance and performance, managing quizzes or other assignments. This application is designed and created using the flipped classroom learning model or reverse learning where students before doing learning in class students first study the material at home according to the learning given by the teacher. By making e-learning media with this flipped classroom learning model, students can deepen the material provided by the teacher and increase creativity and train student independence. In addition, the application of this learning model certainly requires training and readiness of teachers, educational staff in designing learning materials before having face-to-face meetings in class. By learning using this e-learning application, it is hoped that conventional learning patterns can be improved or improved into learning that is in accordance with the development of the digital era as it is today.
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