The Organizational Resilience Role in Business Model Innovation in Iran Business Environment
Subject Areas : Water Resource Management
Reza Manouchehri Rad
Hessam ZandHessami
Ali Davari
Morteza Mousakhani
1 - PhD Student, Department of Entrepreneurship, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran (Correspondence Officer)
3 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
4 - Professor, Department of Public Administration, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Organizational Resilience, Adoptability, Proactivity, Business Model Innovation,
Abstract :
Organizational resilience (OR) as an organizational behavior, it redirects the organization to use opportunities and innovation for answering crisis and challenges, with the results improvement and coherence of the performance. Since the resilience creates framework that shape the business model innovation (BMI), the current study has tried to answer the question: “How to increase the overall level of OR that shape BMI?” This research is applied in terms of purpose. The research method has used the qualitative grounded theory (Glaisarian approach) with deep targeted interviews. The results of 12 interviews (10 established entrepreneur’s, who have had resilient experience in their work & 2 entrepreneurship researchers, who have had business mentorship experience) have shown proactive pattern is selected by the interaction of three resilience stream (Cognitive Resilience, Affective-Value Resilience & Behavior Resilience) in IRAN’s business environment. In This pattern, access to success is innovation & organizational transformation in the form of BMI. Finally, it is recommended that policy makers reform BMI rebuilding and recreation by choosing the appropriate pattern of OR.