A New Approach to Promote Safety in the Software Life Cycle
Subject Areas : Journal of Computer & RoboticsShahrzad Oveisi 1 , Mohammad Ali Farsi 2 , Mohammad Nadjafi 3 , Ali Moeini 4
1 - Aerospace Research Institute (Ministry of Science, Research and Technology), Tehran, P.O.B. 14665-834, Iran.
Department of Algorithms and Computation, College of Engineering Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 - Aerospace Research Institute (Ministry of Science, Research and Technology), Tehran, P.O.B. 14665-834, Iran
3 - Aerospace Research Institute (Ministry of Science, Research and Technology), Tehran, P.O.B. 14665-834, Iran
4 - Department of Algorithms and Computation, College of Engineering Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Abstract :
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