Antibiotics in the environment: An overview of the sources, distribution, occurrence, effects, fate and risk assessment of antibiotics in the environment
Subject Areas : Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of all specializationsGholamhossein Safari 1 , Ahmad Asl hashemi 2 , Nasim Mousakhani 3
1 - Department of Environmental health engineering, Faculty of Health, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Department of Environmental Health Education, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
3 - Student Research Committee, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Antibiotic, Occurrence, Environmental pollution, Antibiotic resistance,
Abstract :
Antibiotics are one of the largest groups of medicinal compounds that are used in medicine and veterinary medicine. These compounds, despite having positive effects in preventing and treating diseases in humans and animals, also have adverse effects on the environment. Recently, the indiscriminate use of antibiotics and the subsequent entry of these compounds into the environment have led to an increase in concerns at the global level These compounds are not traditionally considered environmental pollutants, however, there are concerns about the occurrence of these compounds in aquatic systems, due to their biological effects and potential risks to the environment and health human.. Conventional water and wastewater treatment processes are not designed to remove small amounts of chemicals such as antibiotics. Therefore, the entry of these compounds into the environment from different sources leads to the pollution of plants, animals, and water and soil environments and also creates problems for public health. In addition, the presence of these medicinal compounds in the environment leads to the development of antibiotic-resistant pathogens that potentially threaten the functioning of the ecosystem and human health. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the indiscriminate entry of these compounds into the environment and to provide effective and efficient wastewater treatment systems in the production sources of these compounds in order to eliminate and minimize their environmental risks.