Investigating the effect of several biological inputs on the quantity and quality of essential compounds of medicinal plant (Matricaria chamomilla) in Ardabil province
Subject Areas : Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of all specializationsHojjat Eghbal 1 , Yousef Jahani Jelodar 2 , Mehdi Ahmadi Sabegh 3
1 - Department of Phytochemistry, Basic Sciences Research Center, Tabriz University, Iran.
2 - 4. Researcher of Agricultural and Horticultural Research Department of Agricultural Research and Education Center and Natural Resources of Ardabil Province, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Ardabil, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Ahar Branch, Ahar, Iran.
Keywords: Medicinal Plants, Ardabil province, Essential oil, Nitrojen, Camazolan,
Abstract :
An experiment was conducted in 1401 in the lands of Andzaq village, Meshgin Shahr city, located in Ardabil province. Application of vermicompost: at two levels of zero (V0) and 5 tons per hectare as soil application before planting (V1), application of growth promoting bacteria (PGRP) as inoculation with seeds, at 2 levels: inoculation with a mixture of 2 Azospirillium and Azotobacter bacteria (F1) and without inoculation (F0), - Nitrogen from urea source: in 3 levels zero (N0) and 50 (N50) and 100 kg/ha (N100) in pure form. The results showed that the combined use of vermicompost and inoculum has a synergistic effect and growth-promoting bacteria with vermicompost can work in a better environment and substrate and can fix nitrogen. So that the effect of vermicompost in improving the percentage of essential oil in different levels of nitrogen varies from 15% in N0 to 3% in N50 and up to 10% in N100. The effect of using different levels of nitrogen on the yield of essential oil was very significant, so that the use of 100 kg of nitrogen was about 79% effective on the yield of essential oil, and the use of 50 kg of nitrogen was also about 42% effective on the yield and the yield reached 836 kg. In high amounts of nitrogen, the percentage of camazolin increased. The lowest amounts of alpha-bisabolol amount to 19.4%, 19.8, 20.7 and 21.