Divine traditions and Rise and Fall of Civilizations
Subject Areas : Epistemological and methodological researcher of historical research
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Keywords: evolution, divine traditions, rise, fall civilizations, communities,
Abstract :
This article is a survey of the factors of disintegration and the pride of society or the role of divine traditions in falling and rising of the civilization and the communications which well be discussed. Along with divine traditions, there are different phenrmen as tools for testing human beings and the Muslims to be tested in order to associated with happenings and problems and reap pious The reasons for falling of some people in the past such as: Noah’s, Ad, Samood, lat, Saba, and so on … are dealt with in its proper place, as well. And then the most important factors which had basic roles in the rise and fall of civilizations are discussed. Attention to the point that some of the factors in falling all the civilisutions are common and some others are specific to a civilization an human gathering, in the article can be praiseworthy help for recognizing the causes of the falling and rising of civilizations. At the end after getting the conclusion from the discussion and presenting some suggestions. There will be a list of sources used in preparing this article.