Explaining the factors affecting the formation of a sense of presence based on the grounded theory approach in the monuments
Subject Areas : Space Ontology International Journal
Sahar Toofan
Hasan Memari
Dariush Sattarzadeh
Mahsa Faramarzi Aasl
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Keywords: Perception, atmosphere, a sense of presence, audience experience, monument,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to investigate the mechanism of quality of sense of presence (atmosphere of presence) according to sensory perceptions in historical and contemporary monuments. In other words, this study seeks to identify the factors affecting audience perception and quality of sense of presence in buildings it is a historical and contemporary monument. The research method in this research is qualitative, which is textual and semantic in terms of data nature, and inductive in terms of thinking logic and interpretive levels of analysis. The selected strategy in this research is based on the grounded theory. The analyses are performed by the systematic coding method of Strauss and Corbin with the help of MaxQDA software. The research findings show that the research achievements were expressed in physical-spatial and social-participatory. In the physical approach of the subject, one can try to create a sense of place in the building by using issues such as symbols and signs, avoiding personal tastes in design, understanding the real needs of the audience, promoting a sense of spatial vitality, identity and emphasizing place hierarchy. Each monument pointed out that they have a direct and immediate impact on improving the audience experience and reaching the stage of a sense of presence. Also, in the next stage, social-participatory strategies can be summarized in the role of public awareness, motivating citizens to participate in the environment, using interactive spaces in the design to increase social interactions.
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