Multi-Objective Optimization to Increase Daylight Efficiency in Rural Buildings using Passive Systems (Case Study: Vernacular Houses in Kang Village)
Subject Areas : Space Ontology International Journal
Hooman Dehvari
Seyed Majid Mofidi Shemirani
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Keywords: Daylight, Passive systems, Increase efficiency, Rural houses,
Abstract :
Considering optimization in order to increase the efficiency of daylight in vernacular rural houses by passive systems can mitigate energy consumption in addition to creating suitable conditions for living in those houses. Therefore, this question is raised that how effective is the multi-objective optimization to increase the efficiency of daylight in rural buildings by using passive systems. The present study is aimed to evaluate the impact of passive systems via the parameters of building orientation, type of Shading, and Window-to-Wall Ratio (WWR) on vernacular houses in Kang village located in Iran. In this regard, first, 4 houses (2 vernacular houses and 2 non-vernacular houses) located in the village were selected and after comparison, the best house was selected in terms of performance of total energy consumption and lighting load. Then, simulation and algorithm writing were done according to the parameters considered in the research for the selected case sample using Rhino software and Grasshopper plugins, and Ladybug tool. Then, the results were analyzed by Web Design Explorer. Finally, it was found that by using passive systems, the efficiency of daylight can be increased in the vernacular houses of Kang village at a much lower cost than using active systems, and as a result, energy consumption is mitigated, which this will retain the environmental conditions.
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