Late Chalcolithic Period at Tepe Segzabad
Subject Areas : Prehistoric Archaeology
Mohammad Hossein Azizi Kharanaghi
Kamalaldin Niknami
1 - Deputy Office for Cultural Heritage, Historical- Cultural Site Deputy, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor, Department of Archaeology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Qazvin Plain, Sagzabad, Late Chalcolithic period, the form and the decoration of the pottery,
Abstract :
Tepe Sagzabad is one of the most important Prehistoric Sites in Qazvin Plain. Based on the long time Department of Archaeology, University of Tehran excavation, Tepe Sagzabad Known as a best sample of Iron and Late Bronze Age site in Qazvin Plain. Some new evidence of late 4th Millennium BC Cultures is Known Late Chalcolithic Period in Central Plateau, Has been identified in Tepe Sagzabad. Research-based Training Excavation [Practical method of excavating projects] was carried out in the fall of 2008 by the Department of Archaeology, Tehran University, intending to study the layers of the late chalcolithic discovered in 2007. In this season three trenches (6, 7 and 8) were dug. At last, the evidence of the late chalcolithic was only found in trench 6. Unfortunately, the expedition couldn’t find any complete structural [architectural] remains due to illegal digging, but a considerable number of pottery sherds typical of this period, were found. This article will only focus on the typology, classification and various types of the late chalcolithic pottery.